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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 02, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 10 of 12 <br /> <br />sizes were discussed. Council Member Smith noted that she liked what was done with the open space feeling preservation. Mr. Freeman noted his desire to get council input. Mr. Pearson asked about Planning concerns. Mr. Klatt stated that the cul-de-sac does not currently meet code. That item and the streets would need to be further discussed. Council Member Park asked about other communities’ average length of cul-de-sacs. Mr. Klatt said it varies, but most are about 1000’. Mr. Freeman pointed out that Washington County allows ½ mile length if 20 or fewer homes. He also pointed out that plans need to be economically feasible. Mr. Pearson wants the issues such as cul-de-sacs and streets work out. Mr. Klatt stated that those types of issues would have to be addressed and worked out with the county. Additional buffering from Keats Ave. was discussed at Planning Commission. Mr. Freeman pointed out that because it is a county road, the Right-Of-Way is wide. It is FFE’s opinion that no additional buffer is needed. No planned buffer is being proposed at this time. Plans are to build up to ROW. The development’s streets and possible traffic and speeds were discussed. FFE Plans to present at the July 15 Parks Commission meeting. Neighborhood meeting will take place after that. <br />ITEM 19: APPROVAL OF THE SAVONA PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET <br />AND FINDING NO NEED FOR AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT; RES. 2013-54 City Administrator Zuleger summarized planning’s work on the item. Staff recommends a negative resolution that states no EIS is needed. The resolution was summarized. <br />MOTION: Mayor Pearson moved TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2013-54(53) APPROVING THE <br />SAVONA EAW AND FINDING NO NEED FOR AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT. Council <br />Member Park seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 20: ADDITIONAL STIPEND FOR CITY COUNCIL FOR WORKSHOP PARTICIPATION <br />(SMITH/PARK REQUEST); RES. 2013-55 City Clerk Bell explained the item. Council Member Smith explained her reasoning for the request. The workload has increased. When she started eight years ago there were no workshops and only the two meetings a month. She would like to get rid of workshops altogether, but acknowledged that they will probably be needed. She noted that some other planning commissioners have quit over various issues, but this may incentivize some to stay. Some other planning commissions do pay their members. Council Member Park is in favor of Council and Planning Commissioners receiving stipends. The amount of time the officials spend justifies additional compensation. She stated she is in full support of item. Finance Director Bendel noted that it has been directed that City Staff will not receive raises. Mayor Pearson acknowledged that fact and also does not want to give more incentive to put more business on to workshops.