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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 02, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 9 of 12 <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Nelson moved TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 08-086, ESTABLISHING NEW <br />ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS IN THE LAKE ELMO ZONING CODE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: <br />STRIKE PAGE 6, SUBSECTION (G); PAGE 8, #7 REPLACE “DISTURBING” WITH “NUISANCE <br />DEFINED BY CODE”; AND STRIKE #12 “HISTORIC” FEATURE LANGUAGE. Council Member Park <br />seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-1 (SMITH - NAY) Council Member Smith noted for record that she voted nay because of 4/5 vote change. <br />MOTION: Council Member Pearson moved TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2013-52(51), AUTHORIZING <br />SUMMARY PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE 08-082. Council Member Nelson seconded the motion. <br />MOTION PASSED 4-1 (SMITH – NAY) Council Member Smith noted for record that she voted nay again because of 4/5 vote change and wants to stay consistent. <br />ITEM 17: APPROVE AMENDMENT OF CUP - COUNTRY SUN FARMS; RES. 2013-53 Planning Director Klatt explained the overview of the Conditional Use Permit amendment. It mainly involved adding children’s inflatable bouncers to the site. Planning Commission recommended approval. Mayor Pearson asked about future applications for the same type of activity. Mr. Klatt explained that it would be processed similarly if not a main part of business. As long as it met the criteria, it would be subject to approval. <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2013-53(52) APPROVING AN <br />AMENDMENT TO THE COUNTRY SUN FARM AND GREENHOUSES CUP TO ALLOW CHILDREN’S <br />INFLATABLE BOUNCERS. Council Member Park seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 18 HAMMES ESTATES SKETCH PLAN REVIEW Planning Director Klatt explained the overview of the proposal. He noted the applicants are present and would like to speak. The proposal is located in the past gravel pit site. There is a current reclamation plan in place. That would be replaced by whatever council approves. Mayor Pearson asked for clarification on the reclamation. Mr. Klatt explained that there would be a certain amount of time for property to be reinstated as usable. Tim Freeman and Todd Erickson from Folz, Freeman, Erickson, Inc. presented the proposal. The stated they are representing the Hammes family. They noted that they wanted to be on board for when the sewer is built. They pointed out the changes that have taken place since the proposal submitted to staff and what was included in the council packet. They claimed to have been working with the public, Planning Commission, and will be working with the Parks Commission soon. They noted the long cul-de-sac street. Council Member Nelson asked about the length. It was stated to be about 800 ft. City Administrator Zuleger pointed out the effort to create a buffer from Stonegate neighborhood with larger lots and the green space. It would be a mixture of national and custom builders. Lot