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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 16, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 7 <br /> <br />2. Approve Payment of Disbursements and Payroll in the amount of $499,391.22. 3. Accept Financial Report dated June 30, 2013 4. Accept Building Permit Report dated June 30, 2013 5. Approve Keats MSA Street and Trunk Watermain Improvements – Change Order No. 2. 6. Approve Keats MSA Street and Trunk Watermain Improvements – Pay Request No. 2. 7. Approve MnDOT Maintenance Agreement (No. 04109) - TH 5 Pedestrian Crossing; <br />Resolution 2013-54 8. Approve Encroachment Agreement – 12521 Marquess Way 9. Approve Encroachment Agreement – 11619 58th Street North 10. Approve Master Escrow Agreement for Municipal Review Services <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. <br />Council Member Smith seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br />ITEM 7: APPROVE MNDOT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (NO. 04109) - TH 5 PEDESTRIAN <br />CROSSING; RES. 2013-54 City Engineer Griffin gave a summary of the project. Stated there will be a public open house on 8/21/2013. The project will include installing a crosswalk with a raised median. The City will be responsible for maintenance. This measure is expected to have a calming effect on the road. Mayor Pearson thanked staff and MnDOT for the hard work in getting this done. Council Member Nelson asked about cost savings if the flashing signal was included at this time. City Administrator Zuleger said that he has asked the Lake Elmo Elementary School PTA about cost sharing, but has not heard back yet. Council Member Smith asked about refuge for crossing guards. Mr. Griffin said that it is still a work in progress. Mr. Zuleger thanked MnDOT as well. <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved TO APPROVE ITEM 7 ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: RESOLUTION NO. 2013-54, APPROVING MNDOT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NO. 04109. Mayor <br />Pearson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br /> <br />ITEM 10: APPROVE MASTER ESCROW AGREEMENT City Administrator Zuleger explained the purpose and intent for the agreement. Going forward developers will deposit funds when submitting a development application. This will protect the City and staff for resources expended while reviewing applications. Council Member Nelson thanked staff for bringing forward. He stated that this is risk protection for the tax payer as well. <br />MOTION: Council Member Nelson moved TO APPROVE ITEM 10 THE MASTER ESCROW ON THE <br />CONSENT AGENDA: THE 2013 CITY OF LAKE ELMO MASTER ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR <br />MUNICIPAL SERVICES COMPLETE WITH EXHIBITS AND SUBJECT TO THE 2013 FEE SCHEDULE <br />WHERE APPLICABLE. Council Member Smith seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br />REGULAR AGENDA <br />ITEM 11: ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF COUNCIL MEMBER PARK AND DECLARING A VACANCY; <br />RES. 2013-55