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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 16, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 3 of 7 <br /> <br />City Clerk Bell provided the background and legal process defined by the Minnesota Statutes for accepting a resignation and declaring a vacancy. Council had no questions. Council Member Bloyer stated he was saddened to see Council Member Park go. <br />MOTION: Mayor Pearson moved TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2013-55, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING <br />RESIGNATION AND DECLARING A VACANCY. Council Member Smith seconded the motion. MOTION <br />PASSED 4-0. <br />ITEM 12: APPOINTMENT TO FILL COUNCIL MEMBER VACANCY; RES. 2013-56 City Clerk Bell summarized the background and explained the legal process defined by the Minnesota Statutes for city councils to fill vacancies. Council Member Bloyer noted that aside from a few specific issues, he and the candidates were generally in agreement. He stated that many of his preconceptions were eliminated during the conversations with the candidates. Council Member Smith noted her disappointment with not having more time to discuss. Council Member Nelson stated that all 4 candidates are qualified and that it is a tough decision. Mr. Bloyer read one of the questions that were asked to all the candidates during the interview. He Mr. Reeves responded with a tangible answer. Mr. Reeves wants to lead and had stated some of the achievements that we would like to accomplish during his tenure. Ms. Smith expressed her desire for more privacy in order to have more candid discuss. She stated she likes Ms. Fliflet for her ability to disagree with policy questions. Ms Smith also believes that Ms. Fliflet has the ability to “agree to disagree.” In addition, Ms. Fliflet has the benefit of history and her experience. Mr. Bloyer took issue with the assertion of Ms. Fliflet’s ability to agree to disagree. City Attorney Snyder suggested that the Council discuss what is liked or disliked about the responses and not the individual merits of each candidate. Mr. Nelson liked the representative republic question and stated that Mike Reeves offered the best answer in his opinion. Mr. Nelson also believed Mr. Reeves was collaborative and practical. Mayor Pearson stated that he likes Mr. Reeves. The Mayor also said he appreciates Ms. Fliflet’s work and contributions in the past, but does not place as much value on history. He believes it can also be a negative at times. He thinks Mr. Reeves brings something beneficial to council, and the Council would do well to have Mike Reeves on. Ms. Smith reiterated Fliflet’s experience. She noted that she wants to have a unanimous vote, but thinks that Ms. Fliflet would have been better choice. She likes Mike Reeves, but would prefer Julie Fliflet. Mayor Pearson stated that he does not believe a unanimous vote is needed. Not everyone can get over it, but he believes Mr. Reeves will. Mr. Pearson urged Ms. Smith to vote the way she wishes.