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07-16-2013 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-16-2013 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 16, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 4 of 7 <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO APPOINT MIKE REEVES TO THE COUNCIL FOR THE <br />REMAINDER OF THE TERM PREVIOUSLY HELD BY COUNCIL MEMBER NICOLE PARK, AND HIS <br />APPOINTMENT SHALL EXPIRE ON JANUARY 5, 2015. Mayor Pearson seconded the motion. <br />MOTION PASSED 3-1 (SMITH NAY). Council Member Smith explained that she voted no because she would have chosen ex-Planning Commissioner Fliflet for her experience and knowledge. <br />ITEM 13: SECTION 34 WATER AND SEWER UTILITY EXTENSION IMPROVEMENTS – APPROVE <br />REPORT AND ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY AND APPROVE PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS; RES. <br />2013-57, RES.2013-58 City Engineer Griffin gave an overview of the Section 34 project. The project includes 16 parcels owned by 9 property owners. Current proposals shown to staff are by Amaris, Savona (Lennar), and Hammes Estates (Ryland). Grading has been an issue due to timing and coordination. As a result, sewer will mostly hug the I94 corridor. The City will be extending sewer and water to this area. The sewering will consist of a gravity sewer and forcemain. The forcemain costs are only being shared by a portion of the Lennar development. The gravity sewer costs will be shared by all. Mr. Griffin explained the sewer improvement costs. Total is $1,706,000. Parcel 1b was not included in the assessment roll because it was determined that the parcel does not receive benefit from the proposed improvements. Parcel 1a theoretical costs were capped. It was explained that it was not receiving benefit. Mr. Griffin explained the water improvement costs. Total is $1,706,000. Grand total for both sewer and water is $2,378,200. Sewer and water are enterprise funds and are self operating with 100% assessed to developments. Mr. Griffin explained that easements are still needed. Property owners will be requested to provide easements at no cost to the city/project. It was also explained that the waivers should be obtained now. Council Member Smith asked about the 1,092 REC units in Section 34 when the entire south of 10th street is only planned for 3,200. Planning Director Klatt explained that the number also includes commercial. 1,300 commercial REC units are included in the total 3,200. City Administrator Zuleger said that most of the MOU relief will come in residential RECs due to market conditions. Ms. Smith is concerned that the south of 10th density could get too high. She stated she does not want 5,000-6,000 housing units in along I94. It was explained that the current proposal is actually lower than the MOU with only about 2.75 RECS per acre. The MOU is 3.2 RECs per acre. Council Member Nelson asked for the commercial versus residential REC numbers for the area. Staff said that it would be provided to him. Council Member Bloyer asked if the REC units ever did get higher, would it be a comp plan amendment. Mr. Zuleger responded that it would. Mr. Griffin recommended that all the easements be obtained at no cost to city. The assessments would be at a 15 yr at 2% over city bond rate.
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