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10-08-2013 CCW
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-08-2013 CCW
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<br />Options for future: do nothing and rely more on mutual aid; incentives to POC (housing, <br />financial, etc.); expand our duty crew shifts and rely more on mutual aid for larger <br />events; paid part-time at stations; career/full-time staff. <br />Overview of chief and PT Admin Asst/FF roles/duties. <br />Overview of training. Cannot train for all scenarios. Adopted local, regional, state and <br />federal training standards. National Fire Prevention Association. Most departments in the <br />surrounding area have adopted the Washington County Fire Chiefs’ Association Officer <br />Leadership Series. One of the challenges of POC is that all the staff has to be trained in all the basic areas because you never know who will show up to call. Much of the <br />training is done at Century College. Training partnerships include the design of the East <br />Metro Training Facility and Regions Hospital. Regional and Joint training is growing as <br />well as networking. <br />Overview of equipment. Went through the list of trucks and what stations they are located. It was noted that many firefighters prefer newer/better equipment and that the <br />status of equipment plays a role in recruitment and retention. Shared services and capital <br />replacement plans were discussed. Maintenance repairs were discussed. Despite a <br />reduction in pump repair costs, chassis/body repair costs have increased. <br />Fleet replacement plan was discussed. There is no plan to add trucks, but only replace trucks. There was a discussion of the different needs the north portion of the city versus <br />the southern half. The north would require a 75ft ladder and the south would require the <br />100ft. the 100ft would not fit at most locations in the north. Discussion of the required <br />SCBA equipment in 2014 and the past acquisitions. It will cost about $100,000 to replace <br />the equipment and it is required by NFPA. <br />ISO update overview. Dry hydrant project. Primarily in the north. Looking at getting a <br />grant next spring. The discussion of previous resident comments about proximity to <br />hydrants and the effect on insurance rates. It was confirmed that it does make a difference <br />and that most insurance carriers provide discounted rates for proximity to a hydrant. <br />Discussion of what a future ISO audit would rate us and the possible improvements. Discussion of the ISO audit and the process. It is a big event and demanding on staff <br />resources. <br />Provided overview of the 2011 shared services study. The future placement of new <br />stations was discussed. It was noted that if consolidated, the first couple years would <br />perhaps see an increase in costs, but after a few years, the costs can decrease. The biggest challenge is to fund the relief fund. Various functional consolidation options were <br />explained. <br />Mutual aid and auto aid and the differences were explained. It was noted that there is no <br />guarantee that additional resources can come with either mutual aid or auto aid. <br />Contracted services was discussed. Contract services can range from a piece of equipment to providing complete service. Expanding the service to other communities to <br />share the costs was also discussed. <br />It was the consensus of the council that something needs to be done. The city is playing <br />catch up on some items while also growing. Questions of what can be done, and what the <br />city wants to do. What does the city want to be considered philosophically, rural with
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