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<br />lower level of service and added risks or more suburban with increased services. The area <br />response time was explained. Consolidation and the considerations were explained. <br />Bloyer left meeting 8:16PM <br />E. 2014 BUDGET WORKSHOP <br />1. Review of 2014 Capital Funds Budget <br />Bendel provided overview of the changes since the last CIP/2014 budget workshop. It <br />was noted that in 2015, there are no street projects scheduled because of the $10Mil debt <br />limit. If exceed that limit, no longer bank qualified. <br />Overview and discussion of several street and water/sewer projects. Explanation and discussion of enterprise projects. Zuleger and Bendel presented a 10 <br />year absorption rate for proposed developments known to date. Discussion of WAC <br />charges and when they are due. Bell confirmed that $3000 WAC charges are due to city <br />at plat. $1000 Connection charges are due at time of connection. <br />Discussion of the building permit and plan review revenue and the needed increase in staffing. <br />Discussion of arbitrage. It was noted by griffin that because the city has a high number of <br />road mileage in relation to city population. Therefore it is necessary to grow in order to <br />fund the infrastructure needs. <br />It was explained that council will be asked to approve a 5-year CIP with a 2014 program and a 2015 plan <br />2. Review of 2014 Enterprise Funds Budget <br />Bendel explained the enterprise fund account for actual 2013 and proposed 2014. Discussion of storm water management. <br />3. Review of Fire Department Shared Services Analysis <br /> F. ADJOURN <br />Adjourned at 9:32PM