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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> DECEMBER 17, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 5 <br /> <br />8. Section 34 Water and Sewer Utility Extension Improvements – Pay Request No. 2. 9. Lake Elmo Sewer Infrastructure Improvements: I-94 to 30th St. – Pay Request No. 3. 10. Conditional Use Permit and Eagle Point Business Park PUD Amendment – PID:; <br />Res. No. 2013-107 11. Approve Ki Pro Digital Recording Device Cable Equipment Upgrade <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. <br />Council Member Reeves seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />REGULAR AGENDA <br />ITEM 12: WASHINGTON COUNTY LIBRARY CARD REIMBURSEMENT <br />Mayor Pearson gave overview of the history of the city library. Library Board moved to pay fee for services in the amount of $80,000 at last Board meeting. <br />Council Member Nelson asked what was being paid currently to the county. Mayor Pearson said about <br />$30K ~ 500 cards at $60 each. Proposal would include $50,000 more to the county. Council Member Bloyer asked about total levy. It is approximately $290K, where $30K is for bonding county buildings. Council Member Reeves asked how the additional $50,000 was reached. Mayor Pearson noted that the <br />current process is not convenient. This proposal would be simpler for city, residents, and county. It is win-win all around. <br />Council Member Smith pointed out that the city library does not use the same catalog. A real win-win <br />would be completely back in the county system. She would rather look at seeing what would take to re-enter county system. What this proposal entailed and the experience for the residents were discussed. <br />Judy Gibson 10th St Ct N., spoke in support of library. She is member of Friends of the Library and <br />former Board member. Surrounding libraries have commented their envy of some of the programs the city library has. She showed the council the Friends fundraising library calendar. Calendars are $20. Library <br />now has tablets available for check out to serve as e-readers. <br />Paul Ryberg, Library Board Treasurer, stated cards would be good throughout the seven county system. Cataloging system is same as Chisago County and several other counties. The Board made sure <br />that system was compatible. Mr. Ryberg asserted that the county moved first to close the Lake Elmo library. Lake Elmo then withdrew from the system. Cost to city residents is about $30-35K for bond service. He would like to know how much and for how long. He would also like to know cost for the <br />county extending hours and actual cost to extend eBooks to Lake Elmo residents. <br />Mr. Reeves thanked Mr. Ryberg for coming to meeting. Mr. Bloyer asked about just how far the library card extends. It depends on the county approving it in their respective systems. <br />Sarah Linder, Library Board Vice President, 12th Street N., was available for questions. Mr. Bloyer asked why she voted against the Board motion. She said the board voted and she supports the action now. It was clarified that the proposal was to gain equal access to county resources. <br />Ann Bucheck, Library Board Member (Alternate) 2301 Legion Ave., noted that Stillwater and Bayport are affiliate members. The city library wants to be an affliate member. She noted that people <br />from other cities and western Wisconsin are also obtaining city cards. <br />Mr. Bloyer read letter from resident Nadine Obermueller. Her letter was supportive of the library. See agenda packet for letter. <br />MOTION: Mayor Pearson moved TO APPROVE, AT THE REQUEST OF THE LAKE ELMO <br />LIBRARY BOARD, AN ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION OF UP TO $80,000 LIBRARY LEVY DOLLARS TO WASHINGTON COUNTY IN ORDER TO BUY LAKE ELMO RESIDENTS THE SAME EASE OF ACCESS AND USE OF THE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM SIMILAR TO ALL OTHER WASHINGTON COUNTY RESIDENTS. THIS DIRECT FEE FOR SERVICE AMOUNT