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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> DECEMBER 17, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 3 of 5 <br /> <br />REFLECTS LAKE ELMO RESIDENTS’ 2013 COUNTY CARD PURCHASE REVENUES PLUS AN ADDITIONAL $50,000. Council Member Reeves seconded the motion. <br />Council Member Nelson supportive of motion. Believes it is win-win-win. Will be better for City and <br />residents and provides more money for county. Mayor Pearson is supportive. He noted that the board has been very fiscally conservative. Government should be efficient, responsive and grassroots. It would be <br />hard to reproduce other places what the library volunteers have achieved. The library encourages visitors <br />downtown. Council Member Reeves is supportive and hopes that Washington County will be collaborative in working towards a better solution. Council Member Bloyer asked how many city <br />residents have cards. It is unknown at this time. Mr. Bloyer pointed out that he was initially opposed to it, <br />but he has grown more positive after seeing its success. <br />MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 13: ADOPT METROPOLITAN COUNCIL’S APPROVAL OF VILLAGE LAND USE <br />PLAN <br />Planning Director Klatt explained what the Met Council approved. It was noted that this item was on the <br />Met Council’s consent agenda. There were no comments or questions by the Met Council. There were no <br />questions or comments by Council. <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2013-108 ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE LAKE ELMO 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Council Member Nelson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 14: BOULDER PONDS PUD CONCEPT PLAN; RES. NO. 2013-109 <br />Planning Director Klatt gave overview of the proposal. Includes 93 single family lots; 64 multi-family lots. Proposal is at Concept Plan stage. It is along the I94 corridor and covers approximately 58 acres <br />between Eagle Point Business Park, Stonegate neighborhood, Hudson Blvd, and Savona neighborhood. Staff believes that proposal is in line with intent of comprehensive plan. <br />One issue is the alignment of 5th street vis-à-vis Savona. Staff thinks that agreement can be met prior to <br />plat. There will be three development phases. Staff recommends that the areas around 5th St. be phased first. Mr. Klatt explained that the findings recommend approval. He explained the 11 conditions of <br />approval. See agenda packet item for details of conditions. <br />Council Member Bloyer asked about condition #1 and requiring a neighbor to permit the road and ROW. Mr. Klatt explained that part of the road will be on that property and it really is to clarify what needs to be <br />done. Council Member Reeves asked if #s 1 and 2 are the same. Council Member Nelson interjected that <br />the reason for the difference and use of term “consent” is that the Dale Properties involves a business transaction. The Bremer Bank does not involve a transaction. <br />Mr. Bloyer asked if the road is first come first served when it comes to building roads and developments. <br />Mr. Klatt responded that the Lennar approval allows the flexibility to realign without having to go through the entire process again. <br />Clarification about the Concept Plan stage and process was provided. It was explained that more details will be available at the preliminary plat stage. <br />Mr. Nelson asked about the developer comments and objections. It was explained that staff received them <br />this afternoon (12/17). Mr. Nelson asked if council should go through them. Mr. Klatt said staff has not had a chance to analyze and respond to each point. It was noted that the comments included the <br />developer’s desire to work with staff. The conditions of approval were further explained and discussed. It <br />was noted that the Planning Commission vote for approval was unanimous. <br />Ray Pruban of Amaris Corp. provided overview of proposal. Explained the difficulty in devising proposal. End goal is to provide a higher end product. Rick Harrison of Rick Harrison Site Design spoke <br />about the challenge of having the road run through the development. He explained how efficiency is