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03-18-2014 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-18-2014 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> MARCH 18, 2014 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 5 <br /> <br />ITEM 8: SCHILTGEN FARM PARCEL B SKETCH PLAN REVIEW. <br />Community Development Director Klatt provided overview of the Schiltgen Farms North sketch plan <br />submission. Explained the key issues that staff and the Planning Commission have identified as needing <br />to be resolved prior to prelim plat. Mr. Klatt also explained the parkland, storm water retention, and open <br />space discussions previously held. <br />The proposed trails along with cul-de-sacs versus more grid-like planning were discussed. Mr. Klatt <br />explained that the comp plan calls for more traditional style (grid-like) layout in the village area. Staff has <br />asked for more direct route to connect the east and be in line with the village land use plan. <br />The county’s concerns, including screening/berming on CSAH 17/Lake Elmo Ave. were noted. Both <br />parks and planning commission have reviewed application. <br />Mayor Pearson asked Mr. Griffin about traffic impact on street with various methods. Mr. Griffin noted <br />that gridded does not necessarily mean straight roads. They can be curved and meandering. Important <br />thing is to have connectivity. Connectivity benefits efficiency. <br />Developer Dave Gonyea stated that they were open to idea of adding pocket park. Council consensus was <br />supportive of having something available to neighborhood. Mr. Gonyea addressed the county’s concerns <br />for Lake Elmo Avenue and noted that addressing it is in his interest. He also noted that they are <br />considering using theming fencing. Mr. Gonyea further addressed the through-road and his concerns <br />regarding the increased traffic. <br />Council Member Bloyer asked which lots were quickest to sell. Mr. Gonyea said road safety has an <br />impact on which lots sell first. Families with kids prefer cul-de-sacs and not though roads. Mr. Gonyea <br />also explained their approach to storm water management. <br />Mr. Bloyer asked about price point. Homes will probably start at $450K to $600K. Houses across the <br />street will be probably $500 to $750K due to larger lots. The architecture, density, and lot sizes were <br />discussed. <br />Mr. Gonyea asked for direction on the cut through road to the east. Council and staff discussed the <br />benefits and concerns with connectivity and overall maintenance. Council consensus is in favor of a small <br />neighborhood park and additional trail connections. <br />No formal action taken. <br />ITEM 9: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT; ORD. 08-104, RES. NO. <br />2014-16 <br />Community Development Director Klatt explained the ordinance amendment proposal. It is a minor <br />amendment. Mr. Klatt pointed out the changes that staff recommends are different than what the Planning <br />Commission formally recommended regarding the side entry garages. <br />Council Member Bloyer asked about attached garages and why they are included in accessory use <br />structures. Mr. Klatt stated that because attached garages are subordinate to the main structure. The <br />attached garage is considered an accessory use but not an accessory structure. <br />MOTION: Mayor Pearson moved TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 08-104 AS AMENDED, <br />REORGANIZING AND UPDATING THE CITY’S ACCESSORY STRUCTURE PROVISIONS
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