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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 15, 2014 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br /> <br />Administrator Zuleger noted that the budget will now include a specific line for Seal Coat project. It was <br />noted that the Finance Committee did review this item and recommend approval. <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2014-20, THEREBY <br />APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE 2014 SEAL COAT PROJECT. Council Member Smith seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />REGULAR AGENDA <br />ITEM 8: INFRASTRUCTURE ASSET MANAGEMENT <br />City Engineer Griffin provided an overview of the Beehive software. It will aide in a more efficient <br />management of city infrastructure assets. Mr. Griffin explained the cost of $13,098 per year. That price is <br />locked in for three years and includes all maintenance and other support. All information regarding <br />infrastructure will be available in a central location. The various benefits and features were explained. The <br />software is also very user friendly. <br />Council Member Reeves is very supportive of utilizing this type of software. He asked about security of the <br />data. Mr. Griffin stated that the data is encrypted and various permissions are used to access and view and <br />edit the data. <br />Council Member Smith asked if other cities are using this. Mr. Griffin stated that there are a lot of programs <br />out there and many cities use the various programs. After researching the many options available, staff thinks <br />Beehive meets the needs of our city best. <br />Council Member Nelson asked about who will be primarily responsible to maintain and use software. Planner <br />Johnson, Planning Program Assistant Ziertman, Public Works Operator Duddeck, and Assistant City <br />Engineer Stempski will be the primary users. Finance Director Bendel explained how the item will be funded. <br />MOTION: Council Member Nelson moved TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF INFRASTRUCTURE ASSET MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE INCLUDING BEEHIVE INDUSTRIES SOFTWARE MODULES FOR ROADS, WATER, WASTEWATER AND STORM IN THE AMOUNT OF <br />$13,098 AND FOR A 36 MONTH TERM. Council Member Smith seconded the motion. <br />The Council consensus was that this will improve staff efficiency. Council Member Nelson pointed out that <br />this will improve efficiencies across the departments. Mayor Pearson asked that staff provide an update to <br />Council about 6 months after being implemented. <br />City Administrator Zuleger mentioned that there is also a park module that will be brought to the Parks <br />Commission and potentially brought back to Council to be added. That module costs will come out of the Park Land Dedication. <br />MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 9: 39TH STREET N: STREET & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS – APPROVE REPORT AND ORDER PUBLIC HEARING; RES. NO. 2014-24 <br />City Engineer Griffin explained the background and presented the feasibility report. Project is part of a 429 <br />Petition. Project will include reconstruction of 39th Street North from State Highway 5 to CSAH 17. <br />Alternate options are to add 8‐foot bituminous trail and 6‐foot sidewalk in order to match the extension of <br />proposed future Village Parkway. Also proposed is the replacement of existing storm sewer conveyance system along 39th Street North and extension of trunk sanitary sewer in connection with the Village East Trunk Sanitary Sewer extension. The total estimated project cost is $1,247,000. The street and storm sewer <br />improvement portion is $641,000, the sanitary sewer improvement is $425,000, the sidewalk improvement is $113,000, and the trail improvement is $68,000.