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LAKE ELMO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 23, 2014 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br /> <br />3.7 ACRE MULTI-USE PARK AT OAKLAND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AND THE DISBURSEMENT, WHEN INVOICED, OF $64,000 OF PARKLAND DEDICATION FUNDS <br />FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THREE NEW TENNIS COURTS PER UNANIMOUS <br />RECOMMENDATION OF THE PARK COMMISSION WITH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PARK MASTER PLAN OCCURRING WHEN DEVELOPMENT WARRANTS AND IN <br />COMPLIANCE WITH THE PARK COMMISSION PRIORITIES. Council Member Nelson seconded the motion. <br />It was decided that leaving the timeline open would be more beneficial to accommodate unknown <br />contingencies. Messrs. Nelson, Mayor Pearson, Mr. Reeves all explained their reasoning for supporting. Park <br />Commission Chair Shane Weis has commented that there is a benefit of the timing to coordinating with the <br />district. Mr. Reeves believes that this is a great price to gain three more tennis courts. Mayor Pearson agreed <br />that this is making the best of a location with few options. <br />Ms. Smith does not support the location or access. She is also frustrated that the city is subsidizing tennis <br />courts that in her opinion do not have a use demand. She does not think there is a current need. She <br />stipulated that she is very supportive of the school and the district, but disagrees that there is a need at this <br />time. Her opinion is that the park funds should be directed elsewhere. Mayor Pearson explained that this is a <br />good partnership opportunity with school district. <br />Mr. Bloyer expressed he is torn with the decision. He is opposed due to this being a subsidy to the school <br />district. He also does not think there is a current demand. However, because this involves park funds, those <br />funds can only be used on parks. Ms. Smith noted that she supports the Parks Commission; however, this <br />item did not originate from a resident. <br />MOTION PASSED 3-1-1 (Smith - nay; Bloyer voted present) <br />ITEM 2: NEW PARK SIGNS <br />City Administrator Zuleger provided overview of the project that includes the replacement of all 17 city park <br />signs. Costs would be paid out of park funds. The signs are designed using the theming work done with <br />Damon Farber Associates. The lifetime of these signs would be 5-10 years. The signs are also designed to be <br />able to be updated in parts as opposed to the entire sign. <br />MOTION: Council Member Nelson moved TO APPROVE THE EXPENDITURE OF $32,916 IN <br />PARKLAND DEDICATION FUNDS TO PURCHASE AND INSTALL NEW PARK SIGNS. <br />Council Member Reeves seconded the motion. <br />Council Member Smith supports this. She like the fact that the signs can be modified as the park amenities <br />may change. The price was discussed. It is a large amount, but it comes out of parkland dedication funds. Council Member Reeves noted that this is part of the City’s rebranding efforts. <br />The lower price than the quote was explained as some of the labor and parts will be done by staff. It was also <br />explained that there is a desire to have the signs ready for the summer meetings held in the parks. <br />MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 3: POLICY DECISION: LATERAL BENEFIT CHARGES <br />City Administrator Zuleger provided overview of the lateral benefit charge history. The last time a charge amount was set was in 2006. Mr. Zuleger explained the Municipal Utility Service Area. The benefits provided <br />for each property were described. <br />Mr. Zuleger explained the staff recommendation: LBC of actual cost based on rolling three year average. If located in established MUSA, full LBC and property owner is required to connect within 2 years. If not <br />located in established MUSA, property owner is required to pay true costs for stub and full costs if