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LAKE ELMO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 23, 2014 <br />Page 3 of 3 <br /> <br />connecting later. It was clarified that a landowner whose property could be subdivided, a full LBC would be charged and subsequent subdivided lots would pay the full WAC/SACS and connection charges. <br />It was noted that Lake Elmo has a low LBC and most communities apply a LBC in all cases. The area that is considered MUSA was further explained and discussed. <br />The impact of putting in a stub at a later date was explained and discussed. Costs would be substantially <br />higher, but it depends on the circumstances for each case as far as what the actual cost would be. There are several factors that would affect the cost, including location and other infrastructure impacted. <br />Council Member Nelson wants everyone to pay for a stub, then pay WAC and connection fees at time of <br />hook up. Mayor Pearson sees it similar to a road. There are different levels of interest, but everyone pays for the benefit. Council discussed the actual charge of installing a stub and what to call it. City Engineer Griffin <br />explained the background of what was done for Keats Ave. and how the various charges are used or paid. <br />Whether the residents can be protected from having to connect within a defined time frame was discussed. City Attorney Snyder explained that there are ways, but the economic realities can make this challenging. <br />Mr. Nelson expressed his regret voting for Keats Ave. and forcing people, who will never connect, to pay anything. He understands that the system is built on WACs. He does not believe that there is an actual <br />benefit, so requiring stub cost only is a compromise. Mr. Griffin clarified that the entire system is not built on <br />WACs, but only the over-sizing, water towers, etc. The standard 8 inch trunk pipe is funded differently. <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO ADOPT COUNCIL POLICY ASSESS LATERAL <br />BENEFIT CHARGE OF $2900 FOR ANY PROPERTY OUTSIDE OF SERVICE AREA. Council <br />Member Nelson seconded the motion. <br />Council Member Reeves wants the charge to be accurate. He is hesitant to set number at this time. <br />Conceptually he agrees, but not sure what to call the charge. He likes the rolling average concept. It was reiterated that the Lake Elmo charge of $5,800 is low compare to other communities. It was stated that <br />$2,900 would cover the cost of the stub only in most cases. <br />Council Member Nelson offered friendly amendment: “when connection is made, property owner will pay $3000 WAC and all corresponding connection charges.” Amendment was accepted. The stub charge was <br />further discussed. <br />City Attorney Snyder explained that there is a consideration the council must make of whether there is a benefit that can survive an appeal when determining to assess a property. Council discussed whether there is <br />an actual benefit. <br />Staff stated that it has direction on how to proceed. Council Member Reeves wants the figure worked out <br />further. <br />MOTION FAILED 2-3 (PEARSON, SMITH AND REEVES – NAY). <br />Mayor Pearson adjourned the meeting at 4:42 pm. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL <br /> <br />ATTEST: ______________________________ Mike Pearson, Mayor <br /> _______________________________ Adam R. Bell, City Clerk <br />