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05-20-2014 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-20-2014 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 2014 <br />Page 5 of 6 <br /> <br />Fire Chief Malmquist explained background on the Aerial Fire Truck purchase. The truck is a 78 foot aerial. <br />Council Member Nelson asked when the truck would be delivered if ordered now. If ordered now, it will be <br />available in early 2015. Council discussed waiting to bond to save on interest. Borrowing next year would save interest, but the City would still have a truck payment this year. Finance Director Bendel recommends bonding this year. <br />Chief Malmquist explained the condition of the current 34 year old truck. The repair costs are increasing yearly. Ms. Bendel explained the impact on the taxpayers. It will result in roughly $25 more per year per <br />current resident for 10 years. <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved TO APPROVE $715,000 FOR THE PURCHASE OF: AERIAL FIRE TRUCK FROM ROSENBAUER, FIRE HOSE FROM EMERGENCY RESPONSE <br />SOLUTIONS, RADIO REMOVAL FROM CURRENT TRUCK BY ANCOM, ADDITIONAL <br />TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT AS SPECIFIED AS WELL AS APPROVAL OF INTERLOCAL CONTRACT FOR COOPERATIVE PURCHASING TO OBTAIN HGAC PRICING. Council <br />Member Reeves seconded the motion. <br />Council Member Smith thinks that the City made an error in past not purchasing two trucks for the price of <br />one. Past issues could possibly have been mitigated by newer improved equipment. She strongly supports this <br />purchase to provide better service to residents. Mayor Pearson would have preferred a better solution, but this is the best option we have at this time. Council Member Bloyer too wishes there were better options, but <br />this is the option available. Council Member Nelson acknowledged that Public Safety Committee members were very frugal in the decision. Council Member Reeves believes the Council is making the right decision in supporting the Fire Department. <br />Chief Malmquist noted that this purchase will greatly increase the confidence of the force. Mr. Bloyer asked if chief was okay with a78 ft. truck. The Chief stated yes. Mr. Bloyer reiterated that many of these purchases are <br />fixing past problems. He hopes the City does not wait another 34 years to correct problems. Ms. Smith <br />likened this to investing in roads. Mr. Nelson acknowledged the accomplishments in the past 18 months. Mr. Reeves noted that the City has to make investments in order to attract people to the city while still being <br />frugal. At times there may be things council members personally to not necessarily agree with, but it is the right thing to do for the city. Chief Malmquist explained how this will help with recruiting. Mayor Pearson also acknowledged that fixing the past problems will require spending money and this needs to be done <br />prudently. <br />MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />Council Member Bloyer asked what will be done with the old truck. Chief Malmquist said the department will <br />try to sell it. <br />ITEM 12: SAVONA DEVELOPER’S AGREEMENT; RES. NO. 2014-31 <br />Community Development Director Klatt explained that this item was part of final plat conditions. This is the <br />first agreement in about 7 years, and this is the first sewered development in the city. The key aspects of the <br />agreement include the following components: That all improvements are to be completed by October 31, <br />2015; that the developer provide a letter of credit in the amount of $3,113,846 related to the cost of the <br />proposed improvements; and that the developer provide a cash deposit of $316,432 for SAC and WAC <br />charges, engineering administration, one year of street light operating costs, and other City fees, but not <br />including the required fee in lieu of park land dedication. Staff is still waiting to obtain an estimated fair <br />market value related to the developer’s fee in lieu of park land dedication (or the equivalent of 3.74 acres). <br />This amount will need to be included in the agreement and will increase the cash payments required by the <br />developer. <br />This project will set the stage for future development in the area. <br />The only amendment that staff requests are: on Page 17, section 33 under warranty: add “or cash equivalent” <br />and on page 18, section 34 should reflect “total cost.”
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