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07-01-2014 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-01-2014 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 1, 2014 <br />Page 2 of 8 <br /> <br />Bob Cusick 5470 Highlands Trail asked about whether deed restrictions and covenants control. City Attorney Snyder affirmed that they are the first tool for homeowner to enforce property rights. He also <br />explained that the City has no role in enforcing them. Mr. Cusick spoke about his neighbor’s backyard and the trailer that has been placed on the Koch pipeline. He claimed that City staff responded to his complaint be telling him his property was once farmland, so there should not be a problem. Mayor Pearson told Mr. <br />Cusick that the City will not involve itself in neighborhood covenants. The issue has been addressed and is done. <br />Leona Jacobson 11685 Stillwater Blvd lives next to Christ Lutheran Cemetery. She received letter from <br />Washington County regarding TH 5 road realignment. The proposed road is going through her backyard. She is asking the Council for assistance. She claims that she has never heard of this proposal until now. It was <br />explained that this is a county project and that there have been several public meetings. <br />Jan Shiltgen 3509 Kelvin Ave spoke on the TH 5 realignment. She is against the realignment. She wants the <br />Council Member Smith stated that she wants staff to do a better job of notifying residents of these projects. <br />City Engineer Griffin elaborated that this is a county project and that the status of planning is still early in the process. There will be future opportunities for the City and residents to weigh in. <br />Council Member Reeves commended City staff on efforts on communication but would like to look at <br />expanding the effort even further to get ahead of potential issues. Council Member Smith suggested Council examine the use of Code Red to better notify citizens. City Administrator Zuleger explained the current <br />purpose of the Code Red system and the potential changes for the future. <br />36TH & 37TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS – Public Input <br />Barb Ritchie spoke about the proposed improvements. She believes that the project should be postponed <br />and lowered on priority list. She is opposed to total cost and is opposed to upgrade costs. She is also opposed to addition of curbs. She does not believe that there is a benefit. Neighborhood is also opposed to blocking off traffic during construction. <br />Council Member Nelson asked about water pressure. Ms. Ritchie said it is low but is adequate. Mayor Pearson asked if they were originally assessed for 4 inch pipe. She said no, the county put it in at its cost. <br />Council Member Smith clarified that there is not sanitary sewer being proposed. It is actually storm sewer <br />being discussed. <br />Richard Quinn commended City Administrator Zuleger on actions during past storm. He will not accept a <br />new street with curbs at cost of $22,000. No one on street can afford it. He suggested that City simply install an asphalt overlay. <br />Ray Strege 8808 36th St. asked that all lower cost options be considered and that residents can provide input. <br />Gordon Johnson 8804 37 St. does not understand why curbs are needed. He also does not understand why water improvements are needed. He thinks that water pressure is fine. <br />City Engineer Griffin explained the history of the improvement for this specific area. Many of the street <br />improvements have been delayed He also explained the process and that much of the information is not known at this time. Most of the details are yet to be determined. <br />City Administrator Zuleger explained that the City tried to get out ahead and meet with the residents prior to the feasibility study <br />Council Member Nelson asked why 8 inch was being proposed and not a 4 inch pipe. Mr. Griffin explained <br />that this was partially based on council input and the election to upgrade the infrastructure. Mr. Griffin explained that the oversize pipe is to prevent having to tear 50 year road base up to replace pipe at later date. <br />A 4 inch pipe does not offer fire protection. The hydrants that are currently on street are flushing hydrants <br />not protection hydrants. Pipes were put in 15-20 years ago by county. <br />Gordon Johnson said to put in 8 inch pipes when sanitary sewer comes. <br />2. PROCLAMATION HUFF ‘N PUFF DAYS PROCLAMATION
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