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07-01-2014 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-01-2014 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 1, 2014 <br />Page 4 of 8 <br /> <br />ITEM 11. HUNTERS CROSSING PRELIMINARY PLAT; RES. NO. 2014-53 <br />Community Development Klatt provided summary of proposal. Proposal by Ryland Homes includes 51 units <br />with 2.5 units per acre net density. Mr. Klatt summarized the recommended conditions of approval and draft findings. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval. <br />Council Member Smith sought clarification on the 5th St improvements. Mr. Klatt explained that the City will <br />not be on the hook for the improvements either through 100% assessment waivers or developer paid. It was also explained that the alignment of 5th street has been agreed upon. Council Member Reeves asked about <br />timeline for public improvement project. Mr. Klatt explained that the agreement would be done before final <br />plat. <br />MOTION: Mayor Pearson moved TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-53, APPROVING THE <br />HUNTER’S CROSSING PRELIMINARY PLAT WITH 15 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. Council <br />Member Reeves seconded the motion. <br />Council Member Nelson does not see additional risk regarding the road due to the City’s waiver and <br />assessment policy, but asked if it should it be an additional stipulation. Staff recommends that if council <br />wishes, it can be added. <br />Mr. Klatt stated that because the road is included in preliminary plat, staff assumes that it would be required. <br />City Attorney Snyder does not see harm in adding stipulation, but it does provide <br />Council Member Reeves confirmed that the council has another shot at approving the plans. It was <br />confirmed that it will. <br />Mr. Nelson asked if mayor would accept friendly amendment. Mayor Pearson accepted the friendly <br />amendment. Council member Reeves agreed. <br />FRIENDLY AMENDMENT TO MOTION REQUIRING PROVISION OF CONSTRUCTION <br />OF 5TH STREET ADDED AS CONDITION #16. <br />Council Member Smith asked Ryland for any example developments she can go look at. Tracy Rust from <br />Ryland said she will email the council the list. <br />MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br />ITEM 12: EAGLE POINT MEDICAL CENTER PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL; RES. NO. 2014-54 <br />Community Development Klatt provided summary overview of the proposed PUD development consisting <br />of a 28,500 sq. ft. medical center located in the Eagle Point Business Park. Mr. Klatt summarized the recommended conditions of approval and draft findings. The Planning Commission unanimously <br />recommended approval. <br />Mark Davis from Davis group requested approval. <br />MOTION: Council Member Reeves moved TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-54, APPROVING THE <br />PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PUD PLANS FOR THE EAGLE POINT MEDICAL BUILDING. Council Member Nelson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br />ITEM 13: HAMMES ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT; RES. NO. 2014-55 <br />Community Development Klatt provided summary overview of the proposed development and the history of the submission. Proposal includes 163 single family homes. A key issue was the proximity to Goose Lake. <br />Mr. Klatt summarized the recommended conditions of approval and draft findings. It was noted that the <br />shoreland variance request was recommended for denial and the application for variance was subsequently withdrawn. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval.
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