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08-19-2014 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-19-2014 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 19, 2014 <br />Page 2 of 8 <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Nelson moved TO APPROVE THE FINANCE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. Mayor Pearson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br />ITEM 9: PURCHASING POLICY. <br />Mayor Pearson thanked the Finance Committee for their work on this item. There was one change he would <br />like to make, striking the last sentence in the second paragraph. <br />MOTION: Mayor Pearson moved TO APPROVE ITEM 9: UPDATED PURCHASING POLICY AS <br />SUGGESTED BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE STRIKING “CONSIDERATION OF MADE <br />IN THE USA, ECONOMIC, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL FACTORS SHOULD ALSO <br />BE CONSIDERED.” Council member Nelson seconded the motion. <br />Council Member Bloyer thanked Mayor Pearson for bringing this up. <br />MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br />REGULAR AGENDA <br />ITEM 10: VILLAGE EAST TRUNK SANITARY SEWER: UP RAIL TO TH 5 – <br />IMPROVEMENTS HEARING AND ORDER IMPROVEMENTS; RESOLUTION NO. 2014-62. <br />City Engineer Jack Griffin gave a presentation on this item. This is closely related to Agenda Item #11 as <br />both projects are being presented simultaneously, but are on a separate track. Mr. Griffin went over the three <br />pieces of the project. After initiating the feasibility report and doing the Public Hearing for the 39th Street <br />project, there were two property owners who requested that three parcels be included in the project and have <br />their parcels be assessed for their part of the cost. The Feasibility Report has been completed for what that <br />assessment amount would be. After bids were taken on July 10, the construction prices came in higher. On <br />July 21, there was a stakeholder meeting with all property owners and consensus was to move forward. This <br />requires the Feasibility Report to be amended tonight with the higher amounts. Mr. Griffin went over the <br />updated cost and updated proposed assessment costs to the three parcels. All waivers have been collected <br />securing the updated amount of $358,000. Mr. Griffin also laid out the remaining project schedule. <br />Council Member Smith asked if all waivers have been secured. City Engineer Griffin responded that all waivers and easements have been received from the two property owners for the three parcels. Council <br />Member Smith asked about the Schiltgen waiver. City Administrator Zuleger responded that there was a <br />drainage easement with Easton Village that was needed. Both property owners were satisfied with it and Mr. Schiltgen signed the easement. <br />Mayor Pearson asked if the Public Hearing was still needed. City Engineer Griffin responded that this meeting was set up to have a public hearing but since 100% of the waivers and easements were secured that <br />does waive the formal process. City Attorney Snyder stated that it is still necessary to have a resolution by the <br />Council ordering the improvement and ordering the assessments, so Council should hold the Public Hearing. <br />MOTION: Council Member Nelson moved TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. Council Member Smith <br />seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED AT 7:15 PM. <br />No public input. <br />City Administrator Zuleger informed council, on behalf of the property owners affected, that Staff has <br />received waivers of appeal for the assessments and the easements and there are no objections to the assessments as listed. He also noted that Staff did meet with all property owners where the difference <br />between the two assessment amounts was explained and that it was the consensus of these two property <br />owners that we should move ahead with the project this fall rather than wait until possibly the spring or re-bid it out. <br />City Attorney Snyder noted that the motion should include a resolution to adopt and assess the properties as <br />proposed by the City Engineer.
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