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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 19, 2014 <br />Page 3 of 8 <br /> <br />Council Member Nelson offered a friendly amendment to add “ASSESS THE PROPERTIES AS PROPOSED BY THE CITY ENGINEER.” Council Member Smith seconded the friendly amendment. <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Mayor Pearson seconded the <br />motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:17 PM. <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2014-62, ACCEPTING THE <br />AMENDED FEASIBILITY REPORT AND ORDERING THE VILLAGE EAST TRUNK SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS: TRUNK HIGHWAY 5 TO SOUTH OF THE UNION <br />PACIFIC RAILROAD ADOPTING AND ASSESSING THE PROPERTY OWNERS PER THE <br />CITY ENGINEER. Mayor Pearson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br />ITEM 11: 39TH STREET NORTH: STREET AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS <br />(VILLAGE EAST) – ACCEPT BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT; RESOLUTION NO. 2014-63. <br />City Engineer Jack Griffin presented on this item. This item now includes the Village East Trunk Sewer. Mr. <br />Griffin reviewed the proposed improvements. There will be sidewalk put in on the south side of 39th Street <br />and bituminous trail put in on the north side. There are 11 properties that are impacted and being assessed. <br />Waiver of Appeal and Assessment Agreements were sought and received for the original amount. When the <br />bids came in higher, amended Agreements were sent out. <br />City Administrator Zuleger stated that we have 10 of 11 waiver agreement signs. Missing is one property <br />owner who signed the original agreement, but would not sign the updated agreement. The increased price is <br />$367. <br />Council Member Nelson asked if that property owner will pay the original amount. City Engineer Griffin <br />responded that he will still be assessed the full amount. The waiver agreement is to waive his right to appeal. <br />The one property owner can still appeal on the $367. <br />Council Member Bloyer asked if the property owner could appeal on the entire amount and what the entire <br />amount was. City Administrator Zuleger responded that the property owner waived the first portion. He <br />could still appeal the entire amount. City Engineer Griffin stated that the entire amount was roughly $2,300. <br />It is now roughly $2,667. <br />City Engineer Griffin touched on where the cost increases were. The City cost was previously $1,247,000. It <br />is now $1,711,300. Mr. Griffin went over the breakdown of where the costs go to. Street and Storm Sewer <br />saw an increase of $145,100. Eighty percent is assessable so the increased cost to the City is $29,020. For the <br />Bituminous Trail there was a decrease of $8,300 coming out of the park funds. The Water System saw an <br />increase of $120,300. Trunk Sanitary Sewer saw an increase of $207,200. The Village Trunk Sanitary Sewer <br />Improvements total project cost is $412,600. <br />City Administrator Zuleger stated that the City has already borrowed for this project at the previous estimate. <br />Finance Director Bendel went over the spreadsheet that shows the differences. General fund would be <br />impacted up to $29,000. Water fund would be impacted up to $120,000. Sewer fund would be impacted up to <br />$163,000. The key shift was that some of the amount the City thought would be picked up by the developer <br />shifted over to the assessed costs. <br />Mayor Pearson asked about the total bonding increase. Finance Director Bendel responded that it would be <br />$487,000 in total. Council Member Nelson asked if that would then be added to 2015 bonding. Finance <br />Director Bendel answered yes. Council Member Nelson asked if the City had the cash to make up the amount <br />coming from the general levy if the City would still need to bond for it. Finance Director Bendel responded if <br />the City had the funds in reserve the City would propose withdrawing that amount. Same with the water <br />fund.