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08-19-2014 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-19-2014 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 19, 2014 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br /> <br />Mayor Pearson stated that he believes the City is being as risk averse as it can. <br />Council Member Bloyer stated that he believes this is a good project to start up development in this area and <br />that a lot of good will come from it. Council Member Smith agreed. <br />City Administrator Zuleger asked City Engineer Griffin to speak about how this project helps with the <br />downtown area. City Engineer Griffin spoke about how we got to this project. That this sewer line is getting <br />put in first helps to downsize the downtown project a little bit. It will save the City money on the sewer. He <br />stated that this is a good project and that it sets the table for a lot of things to happen. <br />Mayor Pearson stated that part of the public project is incumbent upon the private project from 30th Street to <br />the railroad. He would like staff to consider that and let Council know at what point the private project <br />should become compelled by the Council to become a public project. City Administrator Zuleger stated that <br />staff will inform Council if that happens. <br />MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br />City Attorney Snyder thanked Council for all their work on this item. Mayor Pearson thanked staff as well for <br />all their work. <br />ITEM 12: INWOOD DEVELOMENT- HANS HAGEN HOMES AND INWOOD 10, LLC EAW, <br />SPECIFY RGU AND AUTHORIZE FOR DISTRIBUTION <br />City Administrator Dean Zuleger spoke on the EAW. Mr. Zuleger summarized this item in three main points; <br />1) The City has determined that an EAW is necessary for the development approval, the development is <br />proposing 695 residential units. A mandatory EAW is triggered at 300 units, so the Council needs to establish <br />that an EAW is necessary by motion. 2) Council need to establish the City of Lake Elmo as the Responsible <br />Government Unit (RGU). The project is in the Lake Elmo jurisdiction so Council must establish the City as <br />the RGU by motion. 3) Council needs to authorize the distribution of the EAW for public comment. This <br />authorizes the publication of the EAW in the Environmental Quality Board publication “The Monitor” and <br />once it is published starts the 30 day comment period. This is a procedural matter. There is no opposition <br />from the developer on this item. <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO DETERMINE THAT AN EAW IS REQUIRED, DESIGNATE THE CITY AS THE RGU, AND AUTHORIZE DISTRIBUTION OF THE <br />DRAFT EAW FOR THE INWOOD MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT STARTING <br />THE 30-DAY EAW PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD. Council Member Nelson seconded the motion. <br />Council Member Smith stated that she had a meeting with Mr. Hagen. This project is very different from any <br />project she has ever seen and it will be very interesting to see it come forward. She would like to see the <br />Council and Planning Commission go to the current development happening up in Blaine to see what the <br />final project will look like. She was very impressed by the project. <br />MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br />ITEM 13: ENTER INTO A LEASE WITH LAKE ELMO ASSOCIATES, LLP FOR THE <br />PURPOSE OF LEASING 2,461 SQUARE FEET OF OFFICE SPACE AT 3880 LAVERNE AVE N <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPERATING THE CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />City Administrator Zuleger presented on this item. He stated that the City is currently busting at the seams, <br />and that the Annex is having some HVAC and leveling issues. The Annex also does may not meet the city’s <br />building code. The City was trying to figure out how to accommodate some needs such as 1) more meeting <br />space 2) privacy 3) larger work spaces for planning and the building inspector. Some space became available <br />across the street in the Brookman Building. Mayor Pearson, Council Member Nelson, and John Thompson <br />approached Mr. Zignego about possibly purchasing the building or what it might take to rent some space.
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