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08-19-2014 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-19-2014 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 19, 2014 <br />Page 4 of 8 <br /> <br />Council Member Nelson asked about the $174,000 number and where it comes from. Finance Director <br />Bendel responded that it is an in and out, the money comes from the Assessment dollars to pay the debt. <br />There was further discussion on this point. <br />Council Member Bloyer asked about the initially proposed numbers vs what they came in at for the streets <br />and trails portion. City Engineer Griffin stated that both of those numbers came in under the Feasibility <br />Report so they went down. <br />Council Member Nelson asked about the water component that got added and why it is there now. City <br />Engineer Griffin responded that the watermain was added because as Public Works went out and as they <br />were exercising the valves they found the valve covers were full of water. When this happens, it is anticipated <br />that every valve will need to be inspected and see what kind of condition it is in. This project has an amount <br />built in to replace all the valves but engineering will be looking at all the valves and deciding whether or not <br />to keep them, replacing parts of them, or replacing the entire valve. The amount included for replacing valves <br />is $55,000. There is also $45,000 for replacing five fire hydrants. There is also a cost of about $15,000 for <br />providing temporary water to the buildings while construction is taking place. There is also a cost for <br />restoration. <br />Council Member Nelson asked if the City has enough cash flow in the sewer and water fund to carry until <br />bonding next year. Finance Director Bendel answered that we do. <br />Council Member Smith asked about the outstanding assessment and who is responsible if the property owner <br />does not pay the $2,667. City Administrator Zuleger stated that the property owner has committed to the <br />$2,300. Mayor Pearson asked City Attorney Snyder if the City would be on the hook for the amount. City <br />Attorney Snyder stated that he does not think so. Council needs to adopt the Resolution ordering the <br />assessments as put forth by the City Engineer. <br />Council Member Smith asked about putting an assessment or a lien on the property when it goes to be sold. <br />City Attorney Snyder stated that he believes so but Council needs to pass the resolution ordering the <br />assessments. Council Member Smith stated that she would be more comfortable with this being done. <br />MOTION: Mayor Pearson moved TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2014-63, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO GEISLINGER & SONS, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,760,458.80 FOR THE 39TH STREET NORTH: STREET AND SANITARY SEWER <br />IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING ADD ALTERNATE NO. 1 AND ORDERING THE ASSESSMENT AS MODIFIED BY OUR ENGINEER. Council Member Nelson seconded the motion. <br />Council Member Bloyer spoke about the project being over budget. <br />Council Member Smith spoke about the how sidewalk benefiting all 1,200 new homes that will be coming to <br />this area. She is also concerned about spending $1.7 million dollars and about what might happen in the <br />future, but she also wants to do the project right if Council is going to approve it and that it is a good <br />investment. There was further discussion on the sidewalk and maintenance issues. <br />Mayor Pearson stated that he understands Council Member Bloyer’s concerns but that the property owners <br />are paying for 80% and the City is picking up 20%. Most developments now are doing sidewalk like this. He <br />also stated that there was no pushback from property owners on putting in sidewalk. Mayor Pearson stated <br />that he also has concerns with the project but that it makes complete sense. <br />Council Member Nelson stated that he agrees with both Council Member Bloyer and Mayor Pearson. He also <br />has concerns about adding the sidewalk, and that it is something he feels could be added later,but it is <br />something that is going to be done.
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