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02-05-2015 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-05-2015 CCM
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LAKE ELMO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 5, 2015 <br />Page 1 of 2 <br /> <br />CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 5, 2015 Mayor Pearson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Mike Pearson and Council Members Fliflet, Smith, Bloyer and Lundgren <br />Staff present: Finance Director Bendel, City Attorney Snyder, Community Development Director Klatt, City Engineer <br />Griffin, City Planner Johnson, City Administrator Zuleger, and Deputy Clerk Gumatz. <br />PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />ITEM II: MUNICIPAL CONSENT ON PHASE 1 OF THE DOWNTOWN STREET AND UTILITY <br />PROJECT; RESOLUTION NO. 2015-08 <br />City Administrator Zuleger gave an overview of how this project got moved up from 2018 to 2015. Many residents in the <br />old village were having problems with their septic systems, as well as flooding issues each spring. City Administrator <br />Zuleger also explained municipal consent and what the next steps are. <br />Washington County Deputy Public Works Director Wayne Sandberg spoke about some of the problems in the old village. <br />He also spoke about Washington County’s role in this project and the county’s partnership with the city. Mr. Sandberg <br />also explained what would happen if Lake Elmo chose to delay this project. Washington County Commissioner Gary <br />Kriesel also talked about the partnership between Lake Elmo and Washington County. <br />City Planner Nick Johnson gave a presentation about Phase I Downtown Street and Utility Project. This includes Laverne <br />Ave., Upper 33rd St., 36th St., and the Regional Stormwater Improvements (downstream). Planner Johnson went over the <br />proposed project schedule as well as gave an overview of what Municipal Consent is. The Preliminary Design for Phase I <br />was outlined. There was further discussion about what would happen if the city did not approve or chose to delay Phase <br />I. The Preliminary Design for Phase I outline presentation was continued. Planner Johnson presented options for 36th <br />Street and Laverne Avenue north of 36th Street. <br />Frank Squadrito, 3570 Laverne Ave., spoke about flooding issues on his property. He also spoke about his desire for city <br />sewer and to see the water issues corrected. <br />Dave Faint, 3617 Laverne Ave., spoke about the flooding issues on his property. He voiced his support for storm sewer. <br />He also said that he prefers Option 2 for both Laverne Ave and 36th St. Mr. Faint also stated his concern for the flooding <br />that takes place in the alley between Laverne and Layton. <br />Bill Wacker, 3603 Laverne Ave., asked about extending 36th street. He also spoke about traffic in the old village when <br />Lake Elmo Avenue is torn up. He felt that Lake Elmo Avenue should be redone first before the city roads. <br />City Engineer Jack Griffin explained why the city streets were being done prior to Lake Elmo Avenue. <br />Susan Dunn, 11018 Upper 33rd St N., thanked Washington County for partnering with the city. She also spoke about <br />drainage issues in the old village. She hopes that Washington County is working with the Valley Branch Watershed <br />District on this project. She also asked about the size of the pipes being used. <br />Finance Director Bendel gave a report on the financial considerations regarding the project. The 2015 budget included <br />this project at $8.2 million and now it is at $10 million. There was further discussion regarding the financing of the project <br />as well as future sewer. City Administrator Zuleger spoke about some funding options for sewer. The city is looking at <br />various grants to help pay for sewer costs. <br />Stewart Johnson, 3603 Lake Elmo Avenue, is happy to see the improvements coming. He is also concerned about tree <br />removal. He also spoke about assessment methodology.
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