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LAKE ELMO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 5, 2015 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />The trees and landscaping plan was discussed. Most of the decisions regarding what types of trees will be used as <br />replacement trees will be made at a later date. <br />Meeting recessed at 9:20pm. Meeting reconvened at 9:27pm. <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved THAT AS WE MOVE FORWARD WITH MUNICIPAL CONSENT WE <br />STRIP THE SIDEWALKS FROM EVERY STREET IN PHASE I. Mayor Pearson seconded the motion. <br />There was further discussion regarding sidewalks. There was also discussion about putting an overpass or underpass <br />across Highway 5 and what the costs would be. <br />MOTION FAILED 1-4 (BLOYER - AYE). <br />MOTION: Mayor Pearson moved TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 2015-08, APPROVING MUNICIAL CONSENT FOR PHASE I OF THE DOWNTOWN STREET AND UTILITY PROJECT. Council Member Bloyer seconded the motion. <br />The options for parking and sidewalks on Laverne Ave. were discussed. Option 1 includes parking and sidewalks on both <br />sides of Laverne Ave. north of 36th Street. Option 2 has parking and sidewalks only on the west side of Laverne Ave. <br />north of 36th Street. <br />FIRST MOTION TO AMEND: Council Member Smith moved TO AMEND FOR LAVERNE AVE NORTH OF <br />36TH GO WITH OPTION 2. Mayor Pearson seconded the motion to amend. <br />The two options for Laverne Ave. north of 36th Street were further discussed. The Planning and Engineering perspectives <br />and opinions were given. They both recommended sidewalks on each side of Laverne Ave. <br />FIRST MOTION TO AMEND PASSED 3-2 (SMITH/BLOYER – NAY). <br />The regional stormwater management plan was discussed. Frank Ticknor from Washington County explained the <br />stormwater management plan that the county is proposing. Placement of the stormwater pond was debated. It was <br />explained that there are not very many places where the pond can be put because of the size needed. <br />SECOND MOTION TO AMEND: Council Member Smith moved TO AMEND FOR 36TH STREET TO GO WITH <br />OPTION 1. Council Member Bloyer seconded the motion to amend. SECOND MOTION TO AMEND PASSED 5-0. <br />ORIGINAL MOTION PASSED AS AMENDED 5-0. <br />Mayor Pearson adjourned meeting at 10:48 pm. <br /> <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL <br /> ATTEST: <br /> ______________________________ <br /> Mike Pearson, Mayor _______________________________ Beckie Gumatz, Deputy Clerk