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03-10-2015 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-10-2015 CCM
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CITY OF LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />MARCH 10, 2015 Mayor Pearson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Mike Pearson and Council Members Julie Fliflet, Anne Smith, Council Member Bloyer, and Jill Lundgren. <br />Staff present: City Administrator Zuleger, Community Development Director Klatt, City Planner Johnson, <br />Deputy Clerk Gumatz, Fire Chief Malmquist, Assistant Chief Cornell, Building Official Chase, Taxpayer Services and Communications Coordinator MacLeod, and City Clerk Bell. <br />City Attorney Snyder, Finance Director Bendel, <br />PLEDGE OF ALLIGENCE <br />Snyder dean believes that it may be time to transition CA to another person. Balance city need with DZ goals. <br />Zuleger spoke about the goals he was given when he was hired. He noted the accomplishments and the great staff that has been assembled. He thinks it may be time to have a new administrator. Asked council to consider this timing. Offered to consult during the transition. <br />Snyder recommended that council direct staff coordinate with dean to provide consultation services as part of a separation agmt. <br />Asked council to give consideration to a separation agmt that meets city needs and mr zuleger’s plans. <br />Lundgren wants to honor request <br />Lundgren accept resignation and direct atty to work on agmt/fliflet 2nd. <br />Snyder clarified that DZ is not resigning. <br />Lundgren … <br />Discussion of whether to take public comments. Snyder said that this employment matter has legal <br />implication involving personnel data. <br />Pearson table motion until after public comments/bloyer 2nd <br />It was pointed out that past council meetings included the desire to listen to the public. fliflet said it was different. <br />Fliflet that it is inappropriate to discuss transitioning to a different CA. the council cannot control the content <br />of the comments and cannot guaranty the CA be protected. Fliflet will not support it. <br />Bloyer asked if there are any way he would consider staying with LE. <br />Lundgren asked if DZ wanted public comment. DZ noted he is honored by the many people who have <br />shown up, but he cannot answer the question. <br />Accept public comment 3-2 <br />Snyder asked public to respect council’s erring on side of protecting personnel data privacy. <br />Paul Novak 3409 LE ave – one question – dz asked council to consider the timing. If council found it that his services are needed, would he consider staying. DZ says he would need time to consider it. with difficulty <br />that council had to have the public input, he feels offended. Council have to listen to constituents. council needs public input. asked council to always accept public input. <br />Todd Gilbert 68665 Hudson blvd. owner of Valley Cartage. Move from Hudson would not have happened <br />without leadership of DZ. Doesn’t know if council understand what the council has in DZ. He gets things done and makes things happen. Asked council to <br />Scott Schoonmaker 1149 hudson blvd n asked council to be very clear why DZ would come to this point after three very successful years. <br />Pat Dean worked with DZ on lake issues. DZ very professional and they did not agree on everything. He <br />supports DZ as CA <br />John Thompson 2119 LE Ave good admin are difficult to find. Goes to many city council meetings and <br />usually CA has personal agendas. Losing a CA as successful as DZ it is a big mistake.
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