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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 3, 2015 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br /> <br />Dale Dorschner as a commissioner, resident and public employee. cannot believe the city is even talking about this. Cannot believe we are here. Spoke with staff that their boss is being slammed. Asked council to <br />reconsider <br />John Schiltz agrees with other positive comments regarding admin. Why doesn’t such an important vote require a supermajority. Asked what happened in two months that changed from his last favorable review. <br />Said it is not a good time to change the CA. one of the most pivotal time in LE to get the important things done. <br />Zuleger said tonight is not the best time to hash out the frustration. <br />Kelly Brookman first mayor of consolidated LE. Best CA ever. Council should be discussing how to keep dean. <br />John Zignego waiting for action on sewer, curb and gutter, and sidewalks. Finally happening <br />Brian billingsley heritage farms. DZ was first CA to contact any of the HOAs. Most favorable interaction with city ever. Need to keep him. <br />Dean Dodson citizen and chair of Planning Comm. Apologized that the council has created a hostile environment. DZ noted he has not said that. asked council to improve <br />Stuart Helgeson 12th st north shown excellent leadership, great communication skills. Best CA he has had <br />contact with. <br />Ed nielson 9498 stiilwater blvd dean did not take a position when there was an issue in his neighborhood. <br />Council should not fire him. <br />Larry Weiss 9302 Stillwater BLvd reiterated DZ best CA city has had. DZ gets right to the point and tells you what is. Listen to the people <br />Judy Gibson also on library bd. Very helpful with all the library issues. Helped in several technical and organizational areas. Appreciated help. Spoke about how changing Admins at such a close time for library to <br />be <br />Tammy Malmquist council reports to the people. Asked there never be another time discussing whether to listen to the public. concerned about the number of Admins. DZ was supposed to be “the guy.” Adamantly <br />opposed to DZ leaving. <br />Shane Weiss acting chair of parks commission. Dean is a parks guy - bring lots of enthusiasm. Does not see the parks commission getting everything done on their agenda without deans help <br />Terry Emerson noted that DZ past city wondered what they would do without him. DZ was selected as best applicant of 30 applicants. Suggested that the council ask the outside groups met council, county… what the <br />city should do with dean. Won’t find another person who could do the job he’s doing. Should give him a <br />raise. <br />Wally Nelson has had a great relationship with DZ. Very professional. Created a professional staff. Pointed <br />out a few issues that DZ addressed. Has no idea why the council is considering this. He has done many little things that are positive but the public doesn’t even know about. <br />Mike Reeves believes DZ has been exceptional and has brought stability to position. Noted city financial <br />position and accomplishments inside and outside city hall. DZ is a dedicated public servant. Committed to positive results come from positive leadership. <br />Nick Witter 653 Cimarron – his priority has been serving the city and the people of the city. Always has <br />what is best for the city in his mind. Travesty to let him go. should be asking how to award him or <br />Rita Conlin 8560 Ironwood Trl two terms as cm and planning comm. Related her change of vote when the <br />people were opposed to the water tower location in sunfish lake park. <br />Ed Gorman DZ gets things done. Spoke about his stormwater issue DZ help him solve. Dean does the right <br />thing. Has many beneficial relationships. List of accomplishments is astonishing