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Tereasa Schmidt, 3240 Lake Elmo Ave, is opposed to the downtown sewer, and therefore wants the <br />administrator gone. <br />George Johnson asked why Lake Elmo is so dysfunctional. He believes it is due to arguments over growth. <br />He suggested that the citizens talk to each other to work together. <br />City Attorney Snyder brought up the proposed Council Driven Workshop. Council Member Lundgren spoke <br />about the council trying to resolve issues. She said she does not appreciate inappropriate comments made <br />towards her. <br />Brenda Taylor, 7945 Hill Trail, supports the earlier petition. She does not understand why a 9 month <br />contract is being proposed? She asked why the 18 months called for in the petition are not being considered. <br />Mr. Snyder explained Administrator Zuleger is under contract with no certain term. Mr. Zuleger is currently <br />an at-will employee who can leave at any time, or the council can terminate and provide severance per his <br />contract. As an alternative, what is being proposed is a contract with a specified time where no review of <br />contract would occur during this period. This motion would guarantee something that currently is not <br />guaranteed. <br />Council Member Bloyer wants to remove any doubt that the Council wants him in Lake Elmo. <br />Debbie Dean , 8028 Hill Trail, asked what changed the council’s mind from prior desire to separate. <br />John Schiltz, 3442 Lake Elmo Ave, was surprised with tone of Council. He reminded council that Mr. <br />Zuleger asked the council to consider if it is time for new administrator under the current working <br />environment. He thinks that Council is offering Mr. Zuleger a way out. He said that Mr. Zuleger never said <br />he wanted another 9 months or to leave. He is concerned about the future of the city. <br />Bruce Weeks, 1446 Lake Elmo Ave, had been looking for new place to live due to city changing. He wants <br />slower growth and is concerned whether Mr. Zuleger style can work under that framework. <br />Mr. Bloyer pointed out that Mr. Zuleger works for the Council and is under its direction. He implements the <br />Council policies. <br />Mayor Pearson brought up possible raise based on past council recommendation. Council Member Fliflet <br />would consider it as part of a formal performance review. Mayor Pearson suggested a review take place 30-45 <br />days out. Council Consensus was in favor of this approach. <br />Motion passed 5-0 <br />Mayor Pearson reiterated that the administrator does what the council instructs. The previous council gave <br />direction and Mr. Zuleger followed it. <br />Council Member Smith thanked those who called and emailed her. She denied all of the reported allegations <br />against her. Mr. Snyder said that there have been no formal complaints filed. <br />ITEM V: COUNCIL INTERACTIONS & BEHAVIOR