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03-24-2015 SCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-24-2015 SCM
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Council Member Bloyer explained his comments as reported in the recent news articles. He did not intend <br />some of those comments to be printed. He wants to work out his issues with Council Member Smith in <br />private. <br />Ed Gorman, 11011 Stillwater Blvd, believes this is a taxpayer issue. He thinks there is evidence of healing. <br />Larry Weiss, 9302 Stillwater Blvd, believes a 9 month contract does not offer much to Mr. Zuleger. He <br />believes there is a problem with council members. <br />Stuart Johnson, 3603 36th Ave, believes that the drama is distracting from the progress. He wants to find a <br />balance between the pro-growth and anti-growth sides. He said he has seen the way Council Member Smith <br />treats people. He called for Ms. Smith’s resignation. <br />Diane Mattson Knoll, 3127 Laverne Ct, spoke about the past civility progress and eliminating Speak Your <br />Peace. She spoke about bullying and it being tolerated in the workplace. She spoke about how she wants well- <br />planned development. <br />Dale Dorschner, believes that the civility displayed tonight was a result of passionate citizens reacting to <br />council action. He spoke about the petition calling for a non-hostile workplace. He outlined the events that <br />led up to this that have been reported. He hopes that this is not a case of retribution. He called for <br />independent investigation of recent events. He said that local attorney has deemed there to be instances of <br />Council Member Smith violating the law. <br />Council Member Fliflet noted that there are employment issues that cannot be discussed. Mr. Bloyer asked <br />what the employment matters are? Mr. Snyder explained that it is not possible to have an attorney available to <br />vet each and every comment regarding personnel matters, so it is best to err on side of privacy. <br />Brian Hazelton, 11212 14th St, asked for the reasons why Mr. Zuleger is not suitable job. He read email to <br />him from Council Member Lundgren and questioned the quality and integrity of the Council. Ms. Lundgren <br />explained she was sick when she responded. <br />Brenda Taylor, spoke about the attitude of the Council and her ongoing frustration with the Council. <br />Kathleen Haggard, 12154 Marquess Lane, spoke about Speak Your Peace and trying to start over with <br />civility. She supports Council Member Smith 100%. She said that Smith has worked hard for Lake Elmo and <br />that there have been no complaints against her. <br />Mr. Bloyer said that while there may a disagreement over whether there have been be any formal complaints <br />filed or not, that does not mean there have been no complaints. <br />Andrea Albrecht Johnson, 3603 Lake Elmo Ave, spoke about how everywhere else has zero tolerance for <br />bullying. The recipient’s perception is what matters, regardless of intent. She asked that council move on and <br />called for any council members who did wrongdoing to step down. <br />Wally Nelson, 4582 Lilac Lane, spoke about the petition. He spoke about his belief in failing to provide a <br />non-hostile workplace. He called for Council Member Smith to resign. He said the Council has lost the public <br />trust. He asked for 3rd party investigation of allegations.
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