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03-24-2015 SCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-24-2015 SCM
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Mr. Bloyer noted that there has been a 3rd party investigation, but the report has not been finalized. Mr. <br />Snyder confirmed that the report will be public when complete. <br />Jean Olinger, 9057 Lake Jane Trail, asserted that some council members are not listening. They are hearing, <br />but not listening. She explained the difference. Asked Council to listen to the people. <br />Jess Hartley, 10010 Tapestry Road, will not tolerate the disrespectful behavior by Council Member Smith. <br />He is concerned about previous restrictions on Ms. Smith being lifted. He called for Council Members Smith, <br />Fliflet, and Lundgren to resign. <br />Dave Moore, 8680 Stillwater Blvd, questioned actions taken by new majority since taking office. He asked <br />why the 3rd party report is not available now. Mr. Bloyer stated that the investigator has been dismissed. Mr. <br />Moore asked about open meeting law violations. <br />Mr. Snyder explained that the investigator was relieved of her duties as she went beyond what was requested <br />of her. <br />Steven Webber, 5577 Lake Elmo Ave, spoke about his interactions with Council Member Smith. He called <br />for an independent council investigation and for Council Member Smith to resign. <br />Pam Hartley, 10010 Tapestry Rd, supports Mr. Zuleger and staff. She called for Council Member Smith to <br />resign. She also called for Council Member Fliflet and Lundgren to resign immediately. She asserted that there <br />have been Open Meeting Law violations. <br />Council Member Lundgren clarified that any conversations that took place were prior to taking office. The <br />allegations of OML violations were discussed. <br />Bruce Weeks, 1446 Lake Elmo Ave, is disappointed in the public’s behavior towards Council. <br />Mr. Bloyer defended the public’s right to question their elected officials. <br />Pat Dean, 8028 Hill Trail, appreciates everyone coming out to participate. He wants city to move forward. <br />He suggested that some business people work with Council on how to be a better operating group. <br />Jeff Stanway, 455 Lake Jane Trail, voiced his concern that the business community has had too much focus. <br />He wants the residents to receive greater consideration. He said that there is one Lake Elmo that includes <br />everyone. If there have been issues with Ms. Smith, the previous council failed to address it. <br />Mayor Pearson is hopeful that the Council has learned something throughout this process and that Mr. <br />Zuleger accepts commitment offered. Mr. Bloyer believes that there is a cultural problem and wants to fix the <br />organizational problems. <br />Ms. Smith noted her passion. She has felt bullied the past two years with 4-1 votes. She noted that the <br />Council is trying to move forward. <br />Tamara Brown, 5385 Jamaca Ave, disappointed in Council reaction to public comments. Asked Council to <br />not react the way they do. She expects a more professional response. <br />Mara Crombie, 11090 32nd St, confused about the 3rd party investigation. Mr. Snyder explained that there <br />was an outside review of employment matter. That outside party has been dismissed.
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