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Preferred alternatives were explained. Sidewalk with vis-à-vis boulevards and snow removal was discussed. It <br />was asked if the right turn lane could be shortened. Unfortunately, due to the traffic volume, that is not an <br />option. <br />Traffic signals - Construction stating end of may and beginning of June. <br />Area B. state aid standards do not allow for angled parking. Parking was discussed. <br />Area C. 6’ shoulder is minimum for state aid road. The storm water and possible underground water storage <br />options were discussed. Most of everything proposed is within the ROW, so very little to no acquisition. <br />Area D. 30th St differences from LE Ave were explained. Staff recommends sidewalks on the south side <br />based on data obtained and analysis. <br />Johnson explained the project process and council action. Phase II will be brought to council on 4/21/15. <br />Overhead utilities need to decided. <br />Costs were discussed. Total number of homes and properties affected by having to upgrade the electrical <br />service. 15-20? Nick can provide for next meeting. <br />Notice of meeting was discussed. <br />Further opportunities of city involvement was discussed. <br />Workshop adjourned at 9:14pm <br /> <br />Call to order at 9:25pm. <br />IV. Wildflower Preliminary Plat; Res. No. 2015-25 <br />Community Development Director Klatt provided summary of the proposed PUD development and the <br />process for a PUD. He explained the minor changes from the concept plan approved on 6/17/2014. The <br />flexibility that a PUD affords was explained. Mr. Klatt went over the critical path issues and provided an <br />update on issues identified during the Planning Commission public hearing. Wetland overflow; drain field <br />location; proximity of ponds to private wells; number of rain gardens in public ROW; proposed street widths; <br />additional neighbor concerns regarding the trail. Staff recommends adding one condition of allowing <br />The alley streets were discussed. Conservation easements were discussed. Median and Rain gardens were <br />discussed. Street naming was discussed. The sanitary sewer construction from 30th st lift station to 39th st was <br />explained. <br />The previously discussed conditions placed on the Concept Plan and Comp Plan amendment were discussed. <br />All have been met. <br />Proposed home size was explained 1500 to 2200 for courtyard homes (garden villas); the other lots include <br />one stories with about 1800 sq ft and two story with about 2200?