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Staff supports the PUD variances. The 6ft fences in courtyard homes have not been specifically reviewed, but <br />if allowed they will be outside of the current fence regulations. <br />The plantings were discussed. <br />Neil Krueger, 4452 Lake Elmo Ave. concerned about the water issue. Thanked staff for addressing the issue. <br />Richard Smith, on behalf of Mary Jane Dupuis spoke against the walking trail on Outlot H. <br />It was noted that the HOA could create a trail at any later time if it was removed from the plans. <br />Bob Engstrom, developer, spoke <br />Mayor Pearson read letter from Mary Jane Dupuis <br />It was confirmed that the courtyard fences would have to be 4 feet max. <br />The accommodations afforded were explained. <br />Fliflet is strongly against adopting the county street naming convention. She is concerned about safety as <br />many of the streets do not extend through. Street naming was discussed. Klatt explained that this is a bigger <br />issue <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved to adopt Resolution No. 2015-24, approving the Wildflower at <br />Lake Elmo Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Plan subject to 20 conditions of approval. Council <br />Member Fliflet seconded the motion. <br />Friendly amendment by Council Member fliflet to amend motion to allow 10 foot side yard setback. <br />Accepted by smith <br />Friendly amendment by Council Member fliflet to amend motion to remove the Outlot H loop trail from <br />the plan. Accepted by smith <br />Bloyer opposed to Council restricting use of other’s property. Lundgren Smith <br />Bloyer called to question. 5-0 <br />Main motion fails. 2-3. <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved to adopt Resolution No. 2015-24, approving the Wildflower at <br />Lake Elmo Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Plan subject to 20 conditions of approval and <br />allow 10 foot side yard setback. Council Member Lundgren seconded the motion. <br />Fliflet wishes all the developments in LE were like Mr. Engstrom’s. His proposal is exactly what she wants <br />for the Village. She hopes that future developments follow suit <br />Public vs private road maintenance was discussed. <br />Motion to amend: Mayor Pearson wants to amend the motion that the alleyways be privately maintained. <br />Council Member Bloyer seconded the motion. Motion to Amend Fails 1-4 (Fliflet, Smith, Bloyer, and Lundgren <br />– Nay).