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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 21, 2015 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />DISTRICTS FROM 20 FEET TO 10 FEET. Councilmember Bloyer seconded the motion. <br />MOTION PASSED 5 – 0. <br />Mayor Pearson moved TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2015-58, AUTHORIZING SUMMARY <br />PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE 08-125. Councilmember Bloyer seconded the motion. <br />MOTION PASSED 5 – 0. <br />Councilmember Fliflet moved TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. Councilmember Smith <br />seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5 – 0. <br />REGULAR AGENDA <br />11. PRESENTATION OF 2015A BOND ISSUANCE RESULTS, RESOLUTION #2015-57 <br /> <br />Tammy Omdahl of Northland Securities presented the results of the sale of City bonds. 8 bids were received and all were very favorable given the higher interest rate environment compared to rates when the sale was <br />approved. Councilmember Fliflet moved TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2015-57 AWARDING THE <br />SALE, PRESCRIBING THE FORM AND DETAILS AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF $2,815,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2015A. Councilmember Lundgren <br />seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5 – 0. <br /> 13. TH36 AND HIGHLANDS TRAIL – REQUEST FOR STREET LIGHT SAFETY <br />IMPROVEMENT City Engineer Griffin reported that a resident has requested a street light at the intersection of Highway36 <br />and Highlands Trail to improvement visibility and safety. Staff supported the request and obtained a quote from Xcel Energy for the installation of a street light in the amount of $1,906. Councilmember Fliflet asked <br />if the neighboring property owners had been notified of the potential installation of a street light. <br /> Councilmember Lundgren moved TO APPROVE THE INSTALLATION OF A STREET LIGHT <br />AT THE INTERSECTION OF TH36 AND HIGHLANDS TRAIL, CONTINGENT UPON NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS AND NO OBJECTIONS. Councilmember Fliflet seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4 – 1. (Bloyer – Nay) <br /> 14. DIEDRICH PROPERTY TOWNHOUSES (LENNAR) – PRELIMINARY PLAT <br />Community Development Director Klatt presented the proposal for a new subdivision on approximately 15 acres just north of Hunters Crossing on Lake Elmo Avenue. Klatt reviewed the Planning Commission <br />recommended conditions of approval, noting additions were made to the conditions for clarification. <br />Tree preservation, proposed outlots and parks were discussed. Len Pratt spoke on behalf of the land owners, <br />describing the target market for the townhomes and offering suggestions for a passive park area in the development. <br /> <br />Councilmember Fliflet stated that she felt the plat should not be approved without a park in the development, as there is not a city park within one half mile. <br />