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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 21, 2015 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br /> <br /> Mayor Pearson moved TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2015-56 APPROVING THE LENNAR <br />DEIDRICH TOWNHOUSES PRELIMINARY PLAT WITH 16 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br />AS AMENDED. Councilmember Bloyer seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4 – 1. (Fliflet – Nay) <br /> 15. EAST VILLAGE TRUNK SEWER UPDATE <br />City Attorney Snyder reported on a request from the developer to delay sewer construction that has been <br />withdrawn. Snyder advised that there may be a request in the future for an extension of time to complete the project. <br />Meeting recessed at 8:34 pm and reconvened at 8:40 pm. <br />17. HALCYON CEMETERY PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT <br />Community Development Director Klatt reviewed the request for approval of a preliminary and final plat for <br />a cemetery located at 11050 50th Street North and reported on the six conditions on the Planning Commission recommendation for approval. <br />The applicant, Mr. Lee Rossow addressed the Council and provided background information on the project. <br />Mr. Rossow explained the proposed site improvements and anticipated operations of the cemetery and conversion of the existing single family home to offices, caretaker living quarters, and a facility to hold <br />gatherings and services. <br />Susan Dunn, 11018 Upper 33rd Street N., asked when cemeteries were added to the Comp Plan and stated they were not allowed under the old Ordinance. Dunn added that there was a pet crematorium in the City in <br />the past and it was a problem. Dunn also commented on the tax exempt status of cemeteries. <br />Kristy Roberts, 11165 50th Street N., stated she purchased her home two and an half years ago because she wanted to be in a rural residential area with her six children and never imagined a commercial property across <br />the street. Ms. Roberts expressed concern over property values if this application is approved. <br />Saxe Roberts, 11165 50th Street N., stated that the rural residential intended use is for single family homes on <br />a large lots and questioned how a commercial parking lot is allowed in that zone. Mr. Roberts expressed concern over the operation of the cemetery and the lack of park dedication funds from this development. <br />Rebecca Tenpas, 11330 50th Street N., stated her opposition to the application due to it being a commercial <br />venue, noting that it may fit the rules but not the neighborhood. <br />James Tenpas, 11330 50th Street N., stated that the City needs to protect its rural residential residents and not allow this additional traffic on 50th Street. Mr. Tenpas stressed that this is a permanent decision. <br />Sadie Tenpas, 11330 50th Street N., voiced opposition to the project, stating that there are environmental and aesthetic consequences, harm to property values, and commercial use in rural residential zone. Ms. Tenpas <br />also expressed concern over long term maintenance and upkeep of the property. <br />Janet Thompson, 11491 50th Street N., stated that the zoning allows this type of use but it does not fit with the neighborhood. Ms. Thompson also stated she is opposed to a business like this that will attract vandals. <br />Richard Hesse, 5235 Kirkwood Ave., read an email he sent to the Councilmembers and stated that no business should be allowed at this site and stated many concerns regarding the proposal. <br />Deb Krueger, 4452 Lake Elmo Ave., questioned if the Planning Commissioners did their research or were <br />familiar with City codes. Ms. Krueger expressed concern over the care fund at the State of Minnesota and asked the Council to table the request to allow for further research. <br />Community Development Director Klatt read an email from Jean Madrinich, 11240 50th Street, expressing <br />opposition to the project.