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APPROVED AS AMENDED MARCH 20, 2012 <br /> <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 6, 2012 4 <br />John Fremont, 7741 53rd St., stated the road needs repair; requested the same road width; <br />looking forward to a new road. <br /> <br />Mike Groetsch, 5675 Highlands Tr., requested the same road width; expressed concerns <br />for the safety of residents; speeding problems with a newly paved thoroughfare; <br />questioned why County did not keep the road. <br />David Nielsen, 5680 Highlands Tr., stated the road traffic increased since 1994, not as <br />safe, wider road is better, and inquired about traffic calming options. <br /> <br />Gary Peltzer, 5747 Highlands Ct., requested same road width, as he’s been walking it for <br />33 years; commented that the bituminous curbs are gone due to snow plows. <br /> <br />Mary Noreen, 7960 Demontreville Tr., stated it is hard economic times and plans need to <br />reevaluated; maintain road width; aware that Highlands Tr. in tough shape due to high <br />traffic but why not all of Highlands Tr. <br /> <br />Michael Miller, 5810 Highlands Tr., requested same road width, commenting that streets <br />narrow during winter (snowy) months; walking and bicycling lanes would be helpful. <br /> <br />Public Hearing Closed at 8:40 p.m. <br /> <br />Council discussed the new Stillwater Bridge and preserving frontage road access to the <br />City; City would not pay additional costs for concrete curbs; costs cannot increase if <br />concrete comes up after closing; explore “red zone policing” regarding ticketing; <br />sensitive to cost less street maintenance, speed concerns and parking. <br /> <br />Engineer Griffin stated quantities are managed which help save disturbance of properties; <br />pedestrian safety; emergency vehicles. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Pearson moved to adopt Resolution No. 2012-011, ordering <br />the Improvement and the Preparation of the Plans and Specifications for the <br />Demontreville Highlands Area Street Improvements. Council Member Park seconded the <br />motion. Motion passed 5-0. <br /> <br />Keats Avenue North: MSA Street and Trunk Watermain Improvements – Public <br />Improvement Hearing and Resolution No. 2012-012 Ordering Improvement and the <br />Preparation of Plans and Specifications <br /> <br />City Engineer Griffin updated the Council on the Feasibility Report for the Keats Avenue <br />North and Trunk Watermain Improvements project. Keats Avenue is a major north and <br />south collector roadway and a designated Municipal State Aid route within the City. The <br />pavement surface showed significant distresses including subgrade failure, indicating that <br />a street reclamation process could not be utilized as a low cost payment rehabilitation <br />option. The project improvements include the reconstruction of Keats Avenue together <br />with a 16-inch diameter trunk watermain extension. <br />