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APPROVED AS AMENDED MARCH 20, 2012 <br /> <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 6, 2012 5 <br />The City Engineer then presented an alternative project schedule that would allow the <br />Council time to review the capital water system investment. The new schedule allows <br />the Council to postpone ordering the improvement until August 21, 2012, with the project <br />construction being moved back to 2013. <br /> <br />City Council discussed temporary road closures during construction, various design <br />alternatives, use of State Aid funds; for the watermain project, the pros and cons of <br />charging lateral benefit charges. <br /> <br />Public Hearing Opened at 9:14 p.m. <br /> <br />George Crocker, 5093 Keats Ave., lived there since 1958; appreciates Hwy. 36 and Keats <br />Avenue interchange; road improvement needed; assessment does not fit reality; traffic <br />ratio inaccurate and to reconsider ratio and assessment; not interested in hooking up to <br />water and residents should not need to pay. <br /> <br />Jim Dyer, 5435 Keats Ave., requested clarification of subdividing into two lots and a <br />second access; two hookup charges if service stub is placed in front of home. <br /> <br />George Dege, 5193 Keats Ave., commented that it would be cheaper to put in another <br />well or repair than the proposed watermain assessment charge; keep existing road bed. <br /> <br />Robert Meyer, 5220 Keats Ave., maintain street width; existing street needs <br />improvements; expressed safety concerns about speeding with new road; not interested in <br />hooking up to water and assessment fees; issue is about the City wanting to extend water <br />service. <br /> <br />Bill Vogel, 5055 Keats Ave., appreciates the benefit of City water but unable to afford <br />hookup and assessment charges; too expensive to justify a community benefit. <br /> <br />City Council discussed the watermain investment; possible lateral benefit charge in lieu <br />of an assessment; State Aid funds will bear majority of street project costs; traffic ratio; <br />City-wide benefit of watermain extension, but the goal is not to pay anything until <br />hookup. <br /> <br />City Administrator Zuleger stated that the City is doing a water fund analysis and was <br />currently reviewing operations, including water fee, rate case and storm water concerns. <br /> <br />MOTION: Mayor Johnston moved to continue the Public Hearing to the August 2, 2012, <br />Council meeting. Council Member Park seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. <br /> <br />Council – Staff Goal Setting / Development Retreat <br /> <br />City Administrator Zuleger requested the City Council authorize funds, not to exceed <br />$3,300, for the purpose of conducting a Council-Staff Developmental Retreat to be held <br />in April 2012 utilizing Don Salverda and Associates. It has been the desire of several