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MINUTES APPROVED: March 1, 2011 <br />City of Lake Elmo <br />City Council Minutes <br />February 17, 2011 <br />Mayor Johnston called the meeting to order at 4:40 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Johnston and Council Members Emmons, Park, Pearson, and Smith (arrived <br />4:44 pm). Council Members Park and :Smith departed at 6:05 p.m. <br />Also Present: Administrator Messelt, Engineer Griffin, Attorney Snyder, Planner Klatt, Finance <br />Director Bouthilet and Recording Secretary Luczak. <br />AGENDA <br />Mayor Johnston read and the City Council unanimously accepted the proposed Agenda. <br />City Administrator Messelt presented the two options for consideration regarding the Early <br />Childhood Education Family Center (ECFC) and provided an update from the previous City <br />Council meeting about the ECFC. He then proceeded with a global update. The two items <br />discussed were the proposed Joint Powers Agreem.ent(s) (JPA), with the District and the <br />purchase option of the identified properties. <br />The original option was for the City to buy the land and lease it to the District. The second <br />option was for the District to purchase the land via transfer of the City's option, and the City <br />waive the WAC and SAC fees. <br />Resolution No. 2011-007A is the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with the District for the <br />Location of an ECFC in the City of Lake Elmo, with ultimate ownership of the land by the <br />District. Resolution No. 2011-007B would have the City exercise the Purchase Option and lease <br />the property to the District for 41.00/year, and the District pay the WAC and SAC fees. <br />Mayor Johnston stated the option of the District purchasing the land had been presented to the <br />District within the last 24 hours and Assistant Superintendent Queener could obviously not speak <br />for the School Board that evening. <br />City Council discussed issues if the District were to reject District ownership of the property. <br />Attorney Snyder stated that District ownership wouldeliminate potentially complicated legal <br />issues. <br />Resolution No. 2011-008 is a proposed Purchase Option for the property owned by Lake .Elmo <br />Business Park Company for locating an ECFC in Lake EImo. <br />LAKE ELM:O CITY COUNCIL February 17, 2011 <br />