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MINUTES APPROVED: March 1, 2011 <br />David Moore, 8681 Stillwater Blvd., questioned the initial investment, fast track project, cost <br />, taxes and how will the City pay for this project. <br />Deb Krueger, 4452 Lake Elmo Ave. N., stated her support for the proposed project. <br />Additional information regarding the financing is available. <br />MOTION: Mayor Johnston moved to adopt Resolution No. 2011-007B approving a Joint <br />Powers Agreement with ISD 834 for the Location of an Early Childhood and Family Center in <br />the City of Lake Elmo. Council Member Park seconded the motion. <br />Council Member Park suggested adding to the motion that the City is really interested in No. <br />2011-007A which provides school district purchase of the property, and the city waiving the <br />sewer and water connection charges. <br />MOTION: Council Member Emmons moved to amend the Motion that the City communicate to <br />the district that the City prefers the purchase alternative and request the school board provide that <br />alternative strongest consideration. Council Member Park seconded the motion. <br />Council discussed the financial obligations, extra responsibilities if leased, terms negotiated, <br />alternatives, and the necessary affirmation from the City. The Mayor also stated that the <br />purchase alternative had only been presented to the District within the past 24 hours and <br />Assistant Superintendent Queener probably could not speak for the School Board regarding the <br />alternate option. <br />Council Members Park and Emmons respectively withdrew their motion and second to amend. <br />MOTION: Council Member Pearson moved to make a substitute Motion to approve Resolution <br />No. 201 1-007A approving a Joint Powers Agreement with ISD 834 for the Location of an Early <br />Childhood and Family Center in the City of Lake Elmo, with ownership by the District. Council <br />Member Smith seconded the motion. <br />MOTION: Council Member Park moved to amend the previous motion to allow the City to <br />proceed with the approval of Resolution No. 2011-007B, should the District not concur with the <br />purchase alternative, provided there are no outstanding legal issues with the lease alternative. <br />Council Member Pearson seconded the motion to amend. The Motion to amend passed 5-0. The <br />original Motion, as amended, then passed 5-0. <br />City Administrator Messelt requested Council and legal clarification regarding whether it would <br />be necessary to return for Council action should the board not concur with the purchase <br />alternative. The Council and Attorney agreed it would not be necessary. <br />Consideration of Resolution No, 2011-008 Regarding a Pronosed Purchase Option (PO) for <br />Property Owned by Lake Elmo Business Park Company for locating an Early Childhood <br />Education Family Center in Lake Elmo <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL, February 17, 201 1. 2 <br />