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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 15, 2011 2 <br />Adopt Ordinance No. 08-055 revising the Special Event Permit Ordinance to specify the <br />maximum duration permitted for a special event <br /> <br />The City Council considered a minor revision to the recently adopted Special Event <br />Permit Ordinance to clarify the maximum duration allowed for a special event. Staff <br />recommended the ordinance be written to limit events to no more than three consecutive <br />days in each calendar year (which would cover a weekend long event). <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved to adopt Ordinance No. 08-055 revising the <br />Special Event Permit Ordinance to specify the maximum duration permitted for a special <br />event. Council Member Pearson seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. <br /> <br />REGULAR AGENDA: <br /> <br />Interim Use Permit: Lake Elmo Sod Farm Christmas Tree Sales lot <br /> <br />The City Council considered an Interim Use Permit from the Lake Elmo Sod Farm, 456 <br />Manning Avenue, to continue operation of a seasonal sales lot from which to sell <br />Christmas Trees that are grown off-site. The proposed sales lot is part of a larger sod <br />farm that has been in operation for many years, and that has historically also sold <br />Christmas Trees for approximately one month during the holiday season. None of the <br />trees sold on the site are grown on the premises; therefore, and Interim Use Permit is <br />needed to establish an Agricultural Sales operation, which allows the sale of produce <br />grown off-site. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Park moved to adopt Resolution No. 2011-053 approving an <br />Interim Use Permit for a 5 year period for the Lake Elmo Sod Farm to establish a <br />seasonal Christmas tree sales lot at 456 Manning Avenue. Council Member Pearson <br />seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. <br /> <br />Interim Use Permit: Krueger Christmas Tree Farm to Allow the Supplemental Sales of <br />Trees Grown Off-site <br /> <br />The City Council considered a request for an Interim Use Permit from Krueger’s <br />Christmas Tee Farm, 4452 Lake Elmo Avenue North, to allow the sale of Christmas trees <br />that are grown off-site to supplement the sale of trees that are grown on their farm. The <br />applicants’ farm has been in operation for nearly 30 years, but due to recent changes in <br />the zoning ordinance concerning Agricultural Sales Businesses, will need to secure an <br />Interim Use Permit in order to sell trees to supplement the ones that are grown on their <br />property. <br /> <br />The Council commented that the Kruger’s Christmas Tree Farm has been in operation for <br />approximately 30 years. Since staff was not aware of any issues or nuisance conditions <br />that have been identified in this period of time it recommended a termination date for the <br />permit set at January 1, 2032 or upon the sale or transfer of ownership in the property, <br />whichever occurs first.