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REGULAR AGENDA: <br />2009 Street Improvements: Public Ilearin 7 on Final Assessments: Resolution No. 2010-39 <br />Ryan Steimpski, Assistant City Engineer, requested the City Council conduct the required <br />Public Hearing regarding Final Assessments for the 2009 Street Improvements. The <br />proposed final assessments for each benefitting property are as follows: <br />Myron Ellman Subdivision (Legion Avenue) = $700 <br />Eden Park Development (Legion Ln, Legion C,t., .Legion Cr., Lisbon Ave) _ $1,750 <br />Eden Park 2i' Development (21" Street N.) _ $2,200 <br />The Forest Development Qrd Street Place N.) .= $1,750 <br />Mayor Johnston called the public hearing to order at 7:12 pm, <br />There was no one to speak for or against the proposed assessments. <br />Mayor Johnston closed the public hearing at 7:13 p.m. <br />MOTION: Council Member DeLapp moved to approve Resolution No. 2010-039; A <br />Resolution adopting the Final Assessment Roll for the 2009 Street Improvement Project <br />Council Member Park seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0 . <br />Adoption of Required Updates to 2030 Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan <br />Kyle Klatt, Planning Director, requested City Council review and affirmatively consider <br />adoption of required updates to the City's 2030 Comprehensive Plan, based on the <br />Metropolitan Council's acceptance of this document a its March 24, 2010 meeting. The <br />action by the Met Council grants Lake Elmo authorization to put the 2030 update into <br />effect. <br />Kyle Klatt reported there are four primary elements that must be addressed in a <br />community's comprehensive plan, which include: background information, land use <br />plan, public facilities plans and implementation. As part of the 2008 update requirement, <br />the City was not required to update the first two of these sections, background and land <br />use. Therefore, the document incorporates the entirety of these sections as they were <br />drafted by the City as part of the previous update. in particular, the land use section has <br />not been updated or altered in any way, and doing so would alter many portions of the <br />current update that are based on this section. <br />Council Member Emmons found a page missing on the CD Rom of the Comprehensive <br />Plan. <br />MOTION: Council ? 1ember Smith moved to approve Resolution No. 2010-040 adopting <br />the Lake Elmo 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update. Council Member Park seconded the <br />motion. The motion passed 4-1 (DeLapp noted that there are 50 corrections to the 2005 <br />plan, and the City had five years to make those corrections and they have not). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL :MINUTES August 17, 2010 2 <br />