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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 4, 2005 4 <br />Council member Johnson provided a proposal for the selection procedure. She suggested <br />that the Council interview the candidates in 30-minute increments, each asking two <br />questions per applicant, with completion on January 25th. Johnson explained she <br />suggested the January 25th date because she would be unable to attend the January 18th Council meeting. At the February 1st Council meeting, the Council could vote by making <br />a first and second choice with each member’s first choice counting for two points and <br />their second counting for one. Staff would tally the points and the Council would then <br />vote on the remaining two to four finalists. <br /> Council Member Smith stated she would like the interviews to take place sooner than that <br />date and Council Member DeLapp proposed that the interview schedule be spread out <br />over two days rather than all in one. Administrator Rafferty suggested amending the <br />interview lengths to 20-minute intervals and schedule the interviews for January 12 and <br />13. <br />Both Mayor Johnston and Council Member Smith preferred a one vote for one person <br />procedure for the first nine candidates and the final selection. Council members Johnson <br />and DeLapp stated they would like to continue with the point process used to select <br />members to the Planning Commission. <br />M/S/F Johnson/DeLapp – to approve the selection procedure proposed by Council <br />Member Johnson. (Motion failed: Smith, Johnston.) <br /> <br />M/S/P Johnston/Smith - to adopt the first three recommendations of the selection procedure proposed by Council Member Johnson with the exception that there will be a <br />one vote for one person procedure for the first nine candidates and the final selection. <br />(Motion passed 4-0.) <br /> <br />B. Election of Acting Mayor <br />The Council must select an Acting Mayor to act on the City’s behalf if Mayor Johnston is <br />unable to attend a meeting, sign an agreement, or attend functions on behalf of the City. <br />Any member of the Council is eligible for this position. <br /> M/S/P Johnston/Smith - to approve Council Member Liz Johnson as Acting Mayor for <br />2005. (Motion passed 4-0). <br /> <br />C. Council Committee Appointments <br /> Mayor Elect Dean Johnston is recommending that Council Committees be organized for <br />2005 as follows: <br /> <br />Finance, Human Resources, Legislative Policy, PZ etc – Chair – Liz Johnson; Member – <br />Anne Smith Public Health and Safety – Chair – Anne Smith; member t.b.d. after filling vacancy <br />Public Facilities – Chair – Steve DeLapp; member – t.b.d. after filling vacancy