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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 18, 2005 2 <br />3. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: <br />In response to Gloria Knoblauch’s question as to the policy for reporting street light <br />outages, the Administrator asked that she call city hall with the lights-out locations and staff will call in a repair request. <br /> <br />4. CONSENT AGENDA <br />A. 2005 Fee Schedule <br /> The Finance Director reported the Fee Schedule requires adoption by Ordinance which would be drafted for the February 1st Council meeting. <br /> <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Smith – to approve the proposed 2005 Fee Schedule in the ordinance <br />form recommended by the Finance Director for the February 1st Council meeting. (Motion passed 3-0.) <br />B. Pay Scale Adjustment <br /> <br />The Finance Director provided a proposed 2005 Employee Pay Plan which was drafted during the 2005 Budget preparation and represents a three percent increase adjustment in <br />all positions and steps. The increase is based on Consumer Price Index (CPI) which is at <br />3.6%. <br /> <br />The Finance Director indicated this pay structure is a product developed by the Springsted Consulting Corporation who was retained by the City to develop a complete <br />compensation package to be in line with other Metro Cities of similar size. In order to be <br />consistent with the Springsted recommendation, he noted that employee contributions for <br />benefits were also incorporated into employee compensation in 2004. Administrator <br />Rafferty pointed out the City continues to review the benefits portions of the compensation package and will make the necessary adjustments during the renewal <br />periods. <br /> <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Smith - to adopt the 2005 Proposed Employee Pay Plan as presented by <br />the Finance Director. (Motion passed 3-0.) <br />C. Resolution No. 2005-008 Approving Claims <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Smith – to adopt Resolution No. 2005-008, A Resolution approving claim <br />numbers 235, 236, DD316 through DD328, 26728 through 26756 which were used for <br />staff payroll dated January 6, 2005, 237, 26758 through 26804 in the total amount of $228,873.26. (Motion passed 3-0). <br />D. Escrow Reduction for Whistling Valley 2nd Addition: <br />In his memo dated January 13, 2005, the City Engineer reported the developer has <br />completed most of the site work for this project. Punch list work, clean-up, final seeding, and the final lift of bituminous remain. The wetland treatment system has not gone <br />through start-up. Most of the trees have been planted.