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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 18, 2005 3 <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Smith – to approve of Bond #37SB10426273 securing infrastructure <br />improvements in the Whistling Valley 2nd Addition from $1,295,375 to $135,000 as <br />recommended by the City Engineer. (Motion passed 3-0). <br /> E. Change Order VFW Ball Field Lights Resolution No. 2005-009 <br />In his memo dated December 3, 2004, the City Engineer reported the city was unable to <br />obtain an easement for the electric service. Therefore a new overhead power line was <br />constructed from TH5 to the ball field along Layton Avenue. Xcel terminated their work <br />with a service pole and a pole mounted transformer near the outfield fence. The contractor, Arcade Electric, must construct 150 feet of buried line from the service pole <br />to the control cabinet. The City Engineer recommended approval of the contractor’s <br />proposed change order and agreed with the costs. The work will be completed early in <br />the spring so the lights will be operational for the entire 2005 season. <br /> M/S/P DeLapp/Smith – to adopt Resolution No. 2005-009, A Resolution approving <br />Change Order No. 1 for the VFW Ball Field Lighting in the amount of $5,957.00 for <br />constructing 150 feet of buried line from the service pole to the control cabinet, verified <br />by the City Engineer in his memo dated December 3, 2005. (Motion passed 3-0). <br /> 5. FINANCE A. Telephone Service <br />The Finance Director reported the City’s contract expired in September, 2004. He has <br />contacted another vendor for phone service, will get 23 lines, for $10-15 less a month <br />than we are currently paying. He negotiated a deal for one month’s free service worth $800 to offset the cost for moving phone service to the new facility. <br /> B. Monthly Operating Report 12/04 <br /> C. Monthly Operating Report 1/5 <br />The Finance Director provided copies of the Monthly Operating Reports. 6. NEW BUSINESS: <br />7. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: <br /> A. Update on Building Dept:Jim McNamara <br />The Building Official reported there were 13 new residential homes and eight new <br />commercial building permits issued in 2004 with a total of about $16 million in value. <br />He reminded residents to check their CO detectors and their chimney to see if it is <br />burning properly. He pointed out that snowmobiles should not be driven over the septic area and the possibility of freezing septic systems this winter season due to lack of insulation. <br /> <br />Council member Smith noted that three homes in her neighborhood have tested positive <br />for radon. Radon kits are available and inexpensive.