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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 15, 2005 6 <br /> <br />B. Appointments to Regional Park Comprehensive Planning Committee <br /> <br />Jim Lugar, Director for the Regional Park, met with the city administrator to discuss the need to develop a new comprehensive plan for the park. He asked that the City appoint two committee representatives so the City’s interest would be represented. Three <br />individuals agreed to participate should the Council decide to select them for this <br />purpose, Sue Dunn, Margaret Carlson and Bob Schumacher. <br /> M/S/P Johnson/Conlin - to appoint Margaret Carlson and Bob Schumacher, with Susan Dunn as backup as committee representatives to the Regional Park Comprehensive <br />Planning Committee. (Motion passed 5-0). <br /> <br />7. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: A. Update on Building Department Activities: Jim McNamara <br /> <br />The Building Official reported there were no residential or commercial building permits <br />issued in the month of February. He will be attending a radon seminar presented by the <br />State of MN next week. <br />8. CITY ENGINEER’S REPORT A. Ordinance No. 97-152:Installation of Stop Sign at the Intersection of <br />Highlands Trail and Hilltop Avenue <br /> The City Engineer and Public Works Supervisor reviewed the request for a stop sign on west bound Highland Trail at Hilltop Avenue. They recommended a stop sign be <br />installed due to the limited sight distance due to surrounding landscaping and the <br />topography. At the March 8th Council Committee workshop, the Council asked staff to <br />invite surrounding property owners for their input. <br />Mike Moss said he was not opposed to the stop sign, but caution neighbors it could be <br />creating more of a hazard because it is a false sense of safety for children. He has seen <br />drivers, who are residents, drive down the hill very fast. Maybe it should be a 3-way stop <br />and install speed bumps. <br />Dave Bendel said he petitioned for the stop sign for safety reasons. He has three children <br />and worries about their safety because he himself has been close to getting hit at least six <br />times. <br /> Council member Johnson noted the stop sign may help provide accountability and <br />enforceability. <br /> <br />M/S/P Johnson/Smith - to adopt Ordinance No. 97-152, Approving Installation of a Stop <br />Sign at the Intersection of Highlands Trail and Hilltop Avenue. (Motion passed 5-0) <br />