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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 15, 2005 7 <br />9. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: A. Preliminary Plat, Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning, <br />Conditional Use permit and OP Concept Plan – Deer Glen:Resolution No. <br />2005-027 – Resolution No. 2005-033 (Adoption of Resolutions Postponed) <br /> <br />The City Planner reported the Planning Commission adopted a recommendation to deny <br />all of the subject multiple applications for the platting of 108 acres, an Op Concept Plan <br />covering 40+ acres; a Comprehensive Plan Amendment (from RAD to PF) for 20 acres; and rezoning (from RR to PF) for 20 acres, and a Conditional use Permit for a 52,000 <br />sq.ft. church facility on the 20 acre site. No action was taken regarding the church <br />Section 520 Site Plan pending Council action on the precedent applications. <br /> <br />Chuck Palmer, Lakewood Evangelical Free Church, stated this plan fits in the future direction of Lake Elmo. The church traffic will have a minimal impact except for <br />weekends when church is in session. He would like to work with the city and MnDOT to <br />resolve any problems. <br /> <br />Jim Arkell stated he is a Lake Elmo resident who attends this church and had served on the Planning Commission when they worked on the 1990 comp plan. Then the <br />Commission realized it didn’t have an ordinance that would deal with churches. This is a <br />perfect transition buffer moving south from a major highway. <br /> <br />Paul Danielson, Consulting Engineer, Kimley-Horn & Associates, reported this is the best site for the church in this 108 acre site which is in the middle on higher ground with <br />buffers from other potential developments. They have modified the plan for a buffer on <br />the west side, wetlands on north side and a small wetland throughout the site. There is no <br />wetland litigation proposed. He said he spent time with the VBWD in how to deal with <br />water quality and storm water management plan and have obtained a permit from the VBWD. The roadway avoids the wetlands and follows contours as much as possible to <br />minimize tree impact. There are various areas that don’t drain out and have flood storage <br />issues. Outlot B is slightly less than 10 acres and will be adjusted to ensure that the <br />proposed Outlot B is a minimum of 10 acres in the Preliminary Plat. <br /> Craig Peterson, BWBR, said the building would be rising from the landscape without <br />screaming for attention and nestled into the landscape with building materials of natural <br />colors. It will be welcoming and inviting reflecting the personality of the church. <br /> <br />Mayor Johnston asked the council to deal with all development applications separately. <br />Preliminary Plat: <br />The City received a letter stating the applicant would be willing to correct Outlot B that is <br />substandard. Attorney Filla noted the Council is addressing the preliminary plat <br />illustrated on preplat drawing, prepared by Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc, dated February 7, 2005 which would create Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlots A, B, C and Deer Glen. If the Council should approve the preliminary plat, it should be subject to: 1) Outlot B is