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03-15-2005 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-15-2005 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 15, 2005 8 <br />a minimum of ten acres, 2) Lot lines adjusted to ensure that Outlot D is a minimum of 10 <br />acres or combined with proposed Lot 1, Block 1, and 3) If the open space development <br />concept for proposed Outlot A is approved, it’s use shall be restricted so that it can only <br />be used in conjunction with the proposed open space project on Outlot A. Peter Beck, attorney for the applicant, explained Outlot D is a dedicated open space <br />development concept plan. It is not intended to be a buildable parcel because it is <br />dedicated open space. There will be a condition in Preliminary Plat approval that places <br />this in dedicated open space. M/S/ Johnson/Conlin – to direct the City Attorney to draft a resolution approving the <br />preliminary plat subject to the conditions stated by Attorney Filla. <br /> <br />Council member DeLapp stated the applicant has exempted the road and asked for the same rights the others have been given. <br />Open Space Preservation Plan <br />The City Planner explained the Planning Commission indicated the concept plan is <br />inconsistent with the Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan Environmental Protection policies regarding residential developments conforming to the limitations presented by natural <br />features including natural drainage systems, by proposing significant modifications of <br />natural grades and existing floodplain on the site. <br /> <br />The City Planner stated it is a subjective call regarding how much floodplain can be filled or moved around. The Planning Commission thought it was significant enough to deny. <br />The engineer for the church responded there is no impact on the jurisdictional wetlands. <br />The soils are not conducive to create wetlands. <br /> <br />The open space development plan proposes significant modifications to natural grade and to existing floodplains on the applicant’s property and is inconsistent with the City’s <br />Comprehensive Plan Environmental Protection policy. The plan is inconsistent with the <br />purpose of the City’s Open Space Preservation Ordinance because it proposes to <br />significantly alter the natural drainage feature of the site. <br /> Comprehensive Plan Change for the 20 acres for the Church <br />Mayor Johnston said he did not see the justification to change the City’s Comprehensive <br />Plan from RAD to PF. The Council reviewed the current comprehensive plan land use <br />designation for this property and decided the current land use designations continue to <br />reflect the Council’s vision plan for development of land in this section of the city. The current comp plan land use designations will not require modifications as a result of the settlement between the City and the Met Council. <br /> <br />Attorney Filla indicated the Council may want to consider the Comprehensive Plan <br />changes required as a result of its settlement with the Metropolitan Council before it re-evaluates comp plan designations for specific areas of the City which should known by May.
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