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LAKE ELO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 5, 2005 2 <br />M/S/P Johnson/Smith - to approve the April 5, 2005 City Council agenda, as amended. <br />(Motion passed 4-0). <br /> <br />2. MINUTES: March 15, 2005 M/S/P Johnson/Smith - to approve the March 15, 2005 City Council minutes, as amended. (Motion passed 4-0). <br /> <br />3. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Public Inquiries Tim Mandel, 2479 Lisbon Avenue N., asked to go on record against the trail planned for <br />his development, Eden Park. He has a concern for the safety of residents because this <br />would be a public trail and access would go over private property. Residents do not want <br />trails in their back yards on small lots. <br /> Administrator Rafferty responded that no formal action had been taken by Council on the <br />proposed trail plan. There will be a public hearing on the trail plan after the Parks <br />Commission has a complete format and then the plan proceeds to the Planning <br />Commission for its review and recommendation. <br /> Gloria Knoblauch asked if the street could be named Friedrich Road in the proposed <br />development, Farms of Lake Elmo. She said residents would want road to go through <br />someday and asked if the developer could pay the assessments. <br /> <br />Jim Blackford indicated a public facility should be in a commercial area and not any where close to Sunfish Park. He added the Council won’t let a church go in a residential <br />area, but would stick a maintenance garage in a park. He said he talked to Mike Lynsky <br />who has 33 acres of commercial land for sale close to where City Hall is located. <br /> <br />Jim Lund said he has served on the Parks Commission and such groups worked hard to preserve this land and we owe them a big debt of gratitude. He said there was a verbal <br />contract apparently with a covenant that the land be used for recreational facilities. The <br />definition of recreational facilities does not include a maintenance facility. <br /> <br />Ed Nielsen presented the park bond brochure and noted the City should have done their homework and reviewed all this information. He suggested placing all the City parks in a <br />land trust. <br /> <br />Merle Olson said Lehart Friedrich was asked to sell the property and the purchase of this <br />land was for park purposes. He said the past councils have pushed hard to preserve rural Lake Elmo. He asked the Council to please continue using Sunfish Park for park <br />purposes. <br /> <br />Judy Blackford read a notice from resident, Rosalie Wahl, stating such a citing of a <br />maintenance building on park land would be a violation of power. Without legal documentation for using this land only for park purposes may frees the City from some <br />legal obligation, it is not good enough for her. Ms. Blackford said she served 5 years on