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LAKE ELO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 5, 2005 3 <br />the Parks Commission and asked the Council to look at the intent of the documents <br />presented. <br /> <br />David Steele said he is a member of the Park Commission and the Commission was asked to deliberate with no background information. A facilities committee was to be established and that has not happened. He asked what is the Council saying to the <br />residents and what legacy are you leaving after 31 years this land have been preserved. <br /> <br />Joe Kiesling stated the maintenance facility has been bouncing around for years. The City has to have a new maintenance building and a water tower. He asked who wants to pay for the open land and preserve it. The developers buy the land from the farmers and <br />people are coming into the city. <br /> <br />1. Arbor Day Proclamation Kathy Widin, Forestry Consultant and Lake Elmo Parks Commission recommended that <br />the Council support the Arbor Day Proclamation for 2005 and an application for Tree <br />City USA award. <br /> <br />MAYOR JOHNSTON PROCLAIMED THE MONTH OF MAY, 2005 TO BE ARBOR MONTH IN THE CITY AND MAY 29TH AS ARBOR DAY. <br /> <br />2. Planning Commission Appointment <br />At its February 15, 2005 meeting, the City Council appointed Rod Sessing to the <br />Planning Commission for sixty days. The 60-day appointment will be expiring so staff asked for Council direction. <br /> <br />Mayor Johnston indicated the Council should follow the recently adopted appointment <br />policy for Commissions. Council member Conlin noted there is a value in members that <br />have worked on past comprehensive plans and the process and would like to keep the continuity. Council member Johnson agreed that it is valuable as a team to finish this <br />process and noted it would be hard enough for someone new to come in at this time. <br /> <br />M/S/F Conlin/Johnson – to extend Rod Sessing’s Planning Commission term for an <br />additional 90 days. (Motion failed 2-2:Smith, Johnston.) <br />M/S/F Johnston/Smith – to follow the adopted appointment policy for Commissions and <br />advertise the vacancy and interview applicant in two weeks. (Motion failed 2-2: Conlin, <br />Johnson.) <br /> Council member Smith indicated Rod Sessing’s term would expire in 120 days which <br />would bring his term into May; therefore, the Council could address this item at the first <br />Council meeting in May. <br /> <br /> <br />