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LAKE ELO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 5, 2005 6 <br /> <br /> C. Resolution No. 2005- 036:Award Bid for Phase I of the Water System <br />Interconnect Project <br /> In his letter dated March 24, 2005, the City Engineer reported bids were opened on February 18, 2005 for this project. The City engineer recommended awarding the <br />contract to the lowest bidder, Chris Riley Utilities, Inc. for their bid of $348,626.18. <br /> <br />M/S/P Johnson/Conlin - to adopt Resolution No. 2005-036, A Resolution Awarding the bid for the Phase I of the Water System Interconnect Project to Chris Riley Utilities in the amount of $348,626.18. (Motion passed 4-0). <br /> <br />9. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br /> A. Preliminary Plat, Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Conditional Use Permit and OP Concept Plan – Deer Glen/Evangelical Free Church (Continuation) <br /> <br />Attorney Filla reported he received a 13-page document from the representatives of the <br />church late this afternoon and has not had time to review the submittals. He asked the <br />applicant if they would agree to a two week extension of their application. Chuck Palmer, the applicant, said he would agree to the two week extension as long as it had no impact <br />on the merits of the case. <br /> <br />M/S/P Smith/Johnson - to approve the extension for two weeks agreed to by the <br />applicant, Chuck Palmer. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br /> B. OP Concept Plan – Farms of Lake Elmo <br />This is an OP Concept Plan for Earl Friedrich Farm for 30-single family building lots on <br />a site of 84 acres. The Planner explained the three lots at the southwestern edge of the <br />site may not meet buffer requirements, but an adjoining parcel is eligible for OP development. The zoning ordinance does not provide for monument signs, so the letters <br />have to be taken down and the wall left up. <br /> <br />Tim Freeman, Surveyor with FFE, indicated these lots sizes match or exceeds <br />neighboring properties and only a few houses are close. Their plan would have the existing berm cut in with houses and planted above with additional buffering and <br />screening. Freeman said the intent of the ordinance is met with 100 feet of buffer, and <br />that they worked hard to keep each lot not having a neighbor across or behind them. <br /> <br />The Planner pointed out that the Planning Commission’s recommendation deleted the staff condition #1 requiring the developer to install a full 200 foot OP buffer between the <br />house pads of the westerly 3 lots and the west project property line. By implication, a <br />100 foot buffer with appropriate landscaping would be the expectation for the <br />Development Stage Plan, but a 4/5 City Council waiver will be necessary to adopt that <br />design strategy.