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04-05-2005 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-05-2005 CCM
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LAKE ELO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 5, 2005 7 <br />M/SP Conlin/Johnson - to waive the 200 foot buffer requirement and require the 100 <br />foot buffering setback standards to the west, south and east based on the findings of the <br />size of lots, adjoins the majority of the Regional Park, trees are planted on the top and the <br />elevation difference. (Motion passed 4-0. M/S/P Johnson/Conlin - to adopt Resolution No. 2005-038, as amended, A Resolution <br />Approving the OP Concept Plan of Farms of Lake Elmo per the plans staff dated March <br />18, 2005, and subject to conditions #1-#3, of the Staff Report of March 18, 2005 and a 4th <br />condition that the nameplate be removed from the rock wall at the entrance. (Motion passed 4-0). <br /> C. Minor Subdivision: Olinger, 9057 Lake Jane Trail <br />The City Planner reported that the Planning Commission recommended approval of this <br />application to divide an existing 16 acres parcel into parcels of 2.04 acres, .75 acres, and 13.3 acres. This application is responsive to the Comprehensive Plan amendment actions and a rezoning that was approved by the Council in 2004. A condition of the approval <br />recommendation is that the .75 parcel be either combined with the parcel to the south <br />(across Lake Jane Trail), or that a “No Build” covenant be placed on the title. <br /> M/S/P Johnson/Johnston - to adopt Resolution No. 2005-037, A Resolution approving the Minor Subdivision for Daniel and Jean Olinger at 9057 Lake Jane Trail, per plans staff <br />dated March 8, 2005, and subject to the conditions of the March 8, 2005 Staff Report. <br />(Motion passed 4-0). <br /> D. Section 520 Site Plan – 11051 Stillwater Blvd. <br />The City Planner reported the Planning Commission recommended approving this <br />application to modify the site and make a building addition that nearly doubles the size of <br />this existing 2,057 square foot structure. Since the additions will not double the size of <br />the structure, the GB Architectural Standards do not apply. The two issues that form conditions to approval are proper placement of the pylon sign and the City Engineer’s <br />recommendation that a septic site be identified on the site. The Building Official pointed <br />out that this building must be sprinkled. <br /> <br />M/S/P Smith/Conlin - to adopt Resolution No. 2005-039, A Resolution approving a Section 520 Site Plan for site modifications and a 2,046 square foot addition to 11051 <br />Stillwater Blvd. per plans Staff dated March 9, 2005, and subject to the conditions of the <br />Staff Report. (Motion passed 4-0). <br /> <br /> E. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment-Home Occupation in Rural Residential Zoning <br /> <br />The City Planner reported the Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing and <br />adopted a recommendation to approve an amendment to the text of the RR zoning district <br />to permit Home Occupation as an Accessory Use. The Commission considered the reports of the City Attorney and City Planner on the matter and concluded that the amendment amounts to a code housekeeping item.
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