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LAKE ELO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 5, 2005 9 <br />formally involved in our personnel responsibility. The Council decided to place this item <br />on the Human Resources Council Committee. <br /> <br />D. Fire Study Report The Fire Study Report was passed out and will be an agenda item on the April 12th <br />Council Committee meeting. <br /> <br />12. CITY COUNCIL REPORT: <br />Mayor Johnston reported he met with the Financial Director of the Stillwater School District, who was receptive on planning in a proactive manner. He is meeting with people from the Guardian Angels Church on expansion and wants to know about future <br />growth in Lake Elmo. He also noted that the library is near approval as the Library <br />Board recommended to Washington County Board to approve a lease on the Gathering <br />Garden building. He said he was informed there is an effort to establish a rotary club and encouraged anyone to attend the meeting at the Lake Elmo Inn a week from Wednesday. <br />Council member Conlin asked that the Parks Commission review the suggestion of <br />placing city parks in a land trust so park land can be used as parks. This item will be <br />placed on the April 12th Council Committee meeting. Council member Smith suggested taking some of the money from the sale of the <br />Berschen property and uses it to purchase property for a maintenance facility. <br /> <br />Council adjourned the meeting at 11 p.m. -------------------- Respectfully submitted by Sharon Lumby, City Clerk <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2005-034 Claims <br />Resolution No. 2005-035 Deny CUP for Public Works Facility in Sunfish Park Resolution No; 2005-036 Award Bid for Phase I of the Water System Interconnect Project to Chris Riley Utilities <br />Resolution No. 2005-037 Approve Minor Subdivision Dan Olinger, 9057 Lake Jane Trail <br />Resolution No. 2005-038 Approve the OP Concept Plan of Farm of Lake Elmo <br />Resolution No. 2005-039 Approve Section 520 Site Plan for addition to 11051 Stillwater Blvd. <br />Ordinance No. 97-154 Amend Chapter 300 add Home Occupation in the RR Zoning <br />District