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LAKE ELO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 5, 2005 8 <br /> <br />M/S/P Johnson/Smith - to adopt Ordinance 97-154, An Ordinance Amending Chapter <br />300 of the City Code to add “Home Occupation” as an Accessory Use in the RR zoning <br />district. (Motion passed 4-0). F. CDBG – Award Contract for Cimarron Gas Service Replacements <br />The City Planner reported staff solicited proposals for Cimarron gas service line <br />replacement from 10 plumbing firms. The single bid that was received was reviewed and <br />accepted by the Building Official. <br />The Council was disappointed at the price because this would mean that the natural gas <br />lines of approximately one-third of the units would be replaced, but several Council <br />members agreed the project needed to get started. <br /> M/S/P Johnston/Johnson - to accept the proposal submitted by Murr Plumbing for <br />Cimarron Gas Service Replacement. (Motion passed 3-1:Smith:Disappointed that there <br />was only one bid with a price that would only replace the gas lines for one-third of <br />Cimarron units.) <br /> G. Update on Comprehensive Plan <br /> <br />Planner Dillerud stated he will bring the Planning Commission’s recommendation on the <br />amendments to the Comprehensive Plan responsive to the City/METC Memorandum of <br />Agreement to the next Legislative Council Committee meeting. <br />10. CITY ATTORNEY’S REPORT: <br /> <br />Attorney Filla reported he had not received any correspondence from the Attorney <br />representing the Ziertmans. <br />11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT <br /> A. By Pass TH5 Study <br />Mayor Johnston requested discussion of redirection of Highway 5 be placed on the April <br />12th council committee meeting so the Council is informed on the study. <br /> B. Meeting with Fields HOA and Bob Engstrom <br />The City Administrator indicated that the representatives from the Tana HOA should <br />have been asked to sit in the meeting. The development of the park was discussed. The <br />Parks Commission approved a plan for the park which is still is going to be completed. He said the original proposal seems acceptable to the residents at the meeting. Once the plan is finalized, he will contact all the residents involved. <br /> <br />C. Proposal Requested Assisting Council Performance of the City Administrator <br />Mayor Johnston suggested having a workshop with Jim Brimeyer to provide objectives in evaluating the performance of the City Administrator. This proposal would <br />cost approximate $750 and would set objectives where the Council would become more