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04-19-2005 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-19-2005 CCM
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<br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 19, 2005 3 <br />Attorney Filla noted by the City saying nothing, the City doesn’t agree with everything <br />Mr. Spike is stating. Filla said he would be glad to sit down to discus items with their <br />attorney. <br /> M/S/P DeLapp/Johnson – to approve the city attorney meeting with the applicant’s <br />attorney to come up with a mutual agreement. (Motion passed 4-0). <br /> <br />Mr. Palmer said the church location and size is non-negotiable, but would be willing to <br />discuss OP development, the 40 acres undesignated, and how the OP might layout. Council member Conlin stated that the council has directed staff to look at PF zoning in <br />the City and where it is appropriate. <br /> <br />4. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />A.(1) Resolution No. 2005-040 – Approving Claims M/S/P Conlin/Johnston - to adopt Resolution No. 2005-040, approving claim numbers <br />253, 254, DD396 through DD408, 27153 through 27184 which were used for staff <br />payroll dated April 14, 2005, claims 27185 through 27229 in the total amount of <br />$85,828.67. (Motion passed 4-0). <br /> (2) Resolution No. 2005-041 – Approving Claims <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnston - to adopt Resolution No. 2005-041, approving claim number <br />27230, in the total amount of $360.00. (Motion passed 3-0-1:Abstain:Johnson). <br /> <br />B. Clean Up Day Rates The 2005 Annual Lake Elmo Spring Clean-Up Day is set for Saturday may 21st, 8 a.m. to <br />Noon at the Washington County Fairgrounds. The Finance Director provided a proposed <br />rate schedule. He explained that the rates charged to our residents are designed to offset <br />the cost of disposal. The City does not profit from the rate charged. This event is a <br />service provided to the community and will discourage illegal dumping on the roadways. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnston - to approve the 2005 Clean-Up Day Rates as proposed by the <br />Finance Director. (Motion passed 4-0). <br /> <br />C. Plow Truck Purchase The Finance Director reported the 2005 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) has scheduled <br />the 1986 Snow/Dump Truck for replacement. The City’s Fixed Asset Management <br />Program (FAMP) guidelines suggest trucks in this category be replaced in the 8-10 year <br />range. The Maintenance Advisory Committee has reviewed the specifications for the <br />new truck and approved this request. Due to the low trade-in cost for the 1986 truck, the MAC recommended the City sell the vehicle on the open market through the bidding <br />process with a $10,000 minimum. If the minimum bid amount is not received, <br />consideration should be given to keeping the truck as a back-up for light use/sanding. <br /> <br />The City has received a quote through the State Cooperative Purchase Venture Program in the amount of $120,054 for the truck and plow. Not included in the above quote was <br />vehicle registration, decals and radio installation. The estimate for additional expenses is
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